WoWManiaUK / Redemption

WoW-Mania - Redemption - 3.3.5 PvE Realm
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[Boss] Malygos - Eye of Eternity #2174

Closed phiedw closed 6 years ago

phiedw commented 6 years ago

Just ran EoE on 25 man difficulty and noticed a few issues on first phase. Here's a link to a video of how the fight should go:

First issue I noticed was with sparks (we only had one spawn during the first phase because we had a lot of dps so this issue will need confirming). When we killed a spark, it didn't drop the buff area it is supposed to.

Second issue was with vortex. Only a few members were actually spinning in the air, instead of the whole raid. For instance, I stayed on the ground during vortex, but was still taking damage and unable to cast long spells, so it might only be a visual problem (though it removes the coordination needed when vortex ends to reposition the raid).

Last issue was the transition from p1 to p2. When the boss reaches 50%, he should start an rp transition during which ranged dps should be able to attack him. However during our raid, Malygos simply flew away as soon as he reached 50%, making p3 last longer than needed.

Link to Malygos and her abilities:

Keader commented 6 years ago

Waiting confirmation of testers to work on this :)

Dranah commented 6 years ago

How it should work:

How it really works at the moment:

fvicaria commented 6 years ago

There is another issue with The Eye of Eternity raid on phase 1 everyone after a little bit of time is supposed to fly up into the air and start taking dmg from the aoe. Some people are supposed to be able to damage him from what I remember and healing needs to go off during this part of the phase.Currently in phase 1 no one gets sent up into the air so this part of the fight isn't working as intended. Instead everyone just stays on the platform and after about 10 seconds we start taking damage then. Rest of the fight seems to be working as intended.

Dranah commented 6 years ago

That is the Vortex bug I reported under no. 2) The Vortex itself is cast but doesn't move most of the raid, however damages and interrupts spellcasts properly as if you were being moved. And no the rest of the fight isn't working as intended either, the sparks are completely useless etc.

phiedw commented 6 years ago

To add to point 3 from Dranah's comment, death gripping the nexus lords seems to make them bug out completely, making them undamageable (which means you can never reach p3)

Keader commented 6 years ago

About vortex, funny part is: both players is casting the spell, but looks like if they cast "together" somethig dont work :/ But if both cast in little diff time, work fine... trying find the reason y.y

Keader commented 6 years ago

After lost time as fuck, i did a hackfix to vortex shit so it's fixed.

Keader commented 6 years ago

Nexus lord fixed with a fucking big hack.

Keader commented 6 years ago

Revify fixed. Exit portal i think it's fixed, need check tomorrow.

@Dranah can you give me a list of spells that he should use in last phase? ty.

Keader commented 6 years ago

@Dranah i need feedback if issues marked as fixed worked in dev.

Keader commented 6 years ago

Still waiting @Dranah 💃

fvicaria commented 6 years ago

I will be closing this shortly. It has been deployed to Redemption.

Dranah commented 6 years ago


1) Sparks

4) Transition between p1 and p2

- Fixes: Now malygos' /yell speech shows up on the text - Problems: Malygos still flies off instantly, instead of staying in the air until he finishes the speech that should take approximately 20 seconds, allowing the raid to dps him in the air.

5) Phase3 - Malygos still fails to cast most of his "Surge of Power" spell=60936 he is supposed to spam. It appears that if you are alone, it can cast properly, but if there are other drakes (testing with multiple chars, or a regular raid), most of the spellcasts break instantly and shows up as "failed". EDIT: Spellcasts break also when the multiple targets are fully spreaded out. It appears that Malygos attempts to Surge a target that is different from his current target, and it fails to cast. If he casts on his primary target, the spell works. - Surge of power's splash damage portion simply doesn't do damage at all.

6) Revivify

7) Exit portal - Problem: portal still does not work. Says "Cant do that right now" and then disappears. May be related to the raid remaining to be stuck in combat when the fight ends.

EDIT: highlighted points that are still bring worked on, rest remains as-is

Keader commented 6 years ago

1 - Hitbox area. 2 - Vehicle issue :/ 4 - Dragon shit 5 - Waitind Janitor send me the file 6 - Nothing more can be done. 7 - Waiting Janitor send me the file.

Keader commented 6 years ago
Dranah commented 6 years ago


EDIT: I'd like to add a minor problem that was overlooked before

Keader commented 6 years ago

56505 is not a spash damage. It's casted in phase 2 and damage all creatures lul And nothing in Surge of Power dbc say that it should spreat to near targets. Checking how this type of spell work in dbc, just need select multiple targets to damage they.

Life Burst is not Heal over time spell:

Effect 1: Id 10 (SPELL_EFFECT_HEAL) BasePoints = 5000 Targets (22, 30) (TARGET_SRC_CASTER, TARGET_UNIT_SRC_AREA_ALLY) Radius (Id 48) 60,00

To be a HOT, need be:

Aura Id 8 (SPELL_AURA_PERIODIC_HEAL), value = 8, misc = 0 (0), miscB = 0, periodic = xxxx

About Nexus Lords i did a fix, i'm waiting janitor build to test if work.

Dranah commented 6 years ago

Hmm, there is a bit of confusion with tooltips and descriptions, but i suppose you're right. Life Burst is described as X healing over Y seconds, which usually indicates a HOT, but in this case the duration probably just stands for the 50% healing increase buff. This is very unclear based on tooltip in game. As for 56505, both wowhead and wowwiki claim it is a phase3 ability that damages multiple players, but it seems their articles are completely inaccurate and fucked up for Malygos (which is a little odd for the two biggest official retail sites). I cannot find video-evidence of surge damaging nearby players (though it's difficult also because drakes usually spread), so screw it.

Let me know when Nexus Lords are up for test.

phiedw commented 6 years ago

From what I can see on world of logs (on a fight where Bursts of Life are hitting a bunch of target, so i guess the raid is packed): On p2, Malygos casts 56505 (Surge of Power) on an entity called Surge of Power, causing everyone to take damage from the 56548 spell (Surge of Power). On p3, Malygos casts 60936 (Surge of Power) on three targets, and only those drakes take damage from it (not any nearby drakes) Finally, Life Burst is indeed NOT a hot

Dranah commented 6 years ago

Nexus Lords and their disks now work fine, the disc cannot be clicked until its Lord dies, flies properly afterwards. Other issues are tweaking / won't fix / invalid.