Woahai321 / soluify-telegram-copypaste-bot

Python script for automating message forwarding (copy and paste) in Telegram groups and channels
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πŸš€ Soluify Telegram Copy & Paste Bot

Soluify Bot Logo Website LinkedIn Python License Dependencies

Welcome to the Soluify Telegram Copy & Paste Bot! πŸŽ‰ This isn't just any botβ€”this is your new best friend in automating Telegram message management. Imagine having a super-efficient assistant that forwards messages between Telegram chats based on your specified keywords. Whether you're the mastermind behind multiple community groups, a diligent update tracker, or someone who just loves a bit of automation magic, this bot is here to make your life easier. Let's dive in!

πŸ“œ Table of Contents

  1. Demo
  2. Features
  3. How it Works
  4. Getting Started
  5. Roadmap
  6. Notes
  7. Contact
  8. Contributing
  9. License
  10. Fun Zone: Get to Know Your Bot!

🎬 Demo

Soluify Bot In Action

🌟 Features

πŸ› οΈ How it Works

The Soluify Bot harnesses the power of the Telethon library to interact with the Telegram API. Once you set up the bot with your Telegram API credentials, you can list all your chats and pinpoint those you want to forward messages from. If you don't have your API credentials yet, you can grab them from your Telegram account.

  1. Authentication: Securely provide your Telegram API ID, API hash, and phone number.
  2. Chat Selection: List and select the chats you want to monitor for forwarding messages.
  3. Configuration: Specify keywords, add signatures, set up blacklists, and more.
  4. Monitoring: The bot continuously monitors selected chats and forwards messages based on your settings.

πŸ”§ Getting Started


Installation Steps

Fire up your terminal and follow these steps:

# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/Woahai321/soluify-telegram-copypaste-bot.git
cd soluify-telegram-copypaste-bot

# Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Run the script
python SoluifyCopier.py


  1. Fill in the required details when prompted:

    • Add your API ID & Hash: Get these from your Telegram account.
    • Log into Telegram: Enter your phone number (e.g., 447123456789) & approve with the 5-digit code Telegram sends you.
  2. Choose an option:

    • (1) List My Chat IDs: View and select chats for message forwarding.
    • (2) Set Up Message Forwarding:
      • Input the source chat IDs and destination chat IDs.
      • Configure keywords for message filtering (leave blank to forward all messages).
      • Enter a signature to be appended to forwarded messages.
      • Add any blacklisted words or characters.
    • (3) Edit Profile: Modify existing configuration profiles.
    • (4) Help: Access information about how to use the bot.
    • (5) Exit: Safely close the application with options to save or delete credentials.

πŸ›  Troubleshooting

Common Issues

  1. Error: SessionPasswordNeededError

    • Solution: This error occurs if your Telegram account has two-step verification enabled. The bot will prompt you to enter your password after you input the verification code.
  2. Error: FloodWaitError

    • Solution: Telegram has rate limits to prevent spam. If you encounter this error, the bot will automatically wait for the required time before retrying.
  3. Invalid API Credentials

    • Solution: Double-check your API ID and API Hash. Make sure they are correctly entered and that they match the credentials from your Telegram account.
  4. No Messages Being Forwarded

    • Solution: Ensure that the source chat IDs and destination channel IDs are correctly configured. Also, check if the keywords and blacklist settings are correct.
  5. Script Crashes or Unexpected Behavior

    • Solution: Check the soluify.log file for detailed error messages. This can help identify the root cause of the problem.

πŸš€ Roadmap


  1. [x] Error Handling and Graceful Failures: Implemented error handling to manage unexpected issues gracefully.
  2. [x] User Profiles: Added ability for users to save their configurations as profiles for easier reuse.
  3. [ ] Media Support: Enhance media handling capabilities to support a wider range of file types.
  4. [x] Additional Security Provisions: Improved the security of how the script saves API credentials for future use.


  1. [ ] Web Interface: Develop a web-based interface for easier bot management.
  2. [ ] Performance Optimization: Continuously optimize the bot's performance to handle large volumes of messages efficiently.


  1. [ ] Documentation and Tutorials: Expand documentation and provide tutorials to help users make the most of the bot's features.
  2. [ ] Theming and Customization: Allow users to customize the bot's appearance and color scheme.

πŸ“‹ Notes

πŸ“ž Contact

Got questions or need help? Don't hesitate to add an issue on this repo and we can work through it together!

🀝 Contributing

We love contributions! Here's how you can join the fun:

  1. Fork the repository to your own GitHub account.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  3. Make your changes and commit them with clear messages.
  4. Submit a pull request for review. Let's make this bot even better together!

πŸ“„ License

This project is licensed under the MIT License. Check out the LICENSE link for more details.

πŸŽ‰ Fun Zone: Get to Know Your Bot!

If you've made it this far, you're in for a treat! Let's dive into the personality behind your new digital assistant.

πŸ“¦ Fun Facts Box

Did you know?

πŸ† Bot Achievements

Our bot has been working hard! Here are some of its notable achievements (not stress tested, just my usage):

πŸ‹οΈβ€β™‚οΈ Bot's Workout Routine

Even bots need to stay in shape! Here's how I keep my code muscles strong:

Remember, a fit bot is a happy bot! πŸ’ͺπŸ€–

πŸ›‘οΈ Legal Disclaimer

While the Soluify Telegram Copy & Paste Bot is designed to help you automate your message management efficiently, it's crucial to use it responsibly and in accordance with Telegram's Terms of Service (ToS). Here are a few key points to keep in mind:

  1. Compliance with Telegram's ToS:

    • This bot is a tool that can be used in various ways. It is the user's responsibility to ensure that their usage of the bot complies with Telegram's ToS. We advise users to regularly review Telegram's Terms of Service to stay informed of any changes.
  2. Prohibited Activities:

    • The bot should not be used for spamming, unsolicited messaging, or any form of abuse. Users must ensure that their actions do not violate anti-spam policies or privacy guidelines.
  3. Rate Limits:

    • Users are responsible for managing the rate at which messages are forwarded to avoid triggering Telegram's rate limits. Excessive use that leads to rate limiting or bans is outside the scope of this bot's intended use.
  4. User Consent:

    • Ensure that all parties involved are aware of and consent to the forwarding of messages. Forwarding messages without consent can lead to privacy violations and is not endorsed by the creators of this bot.
  5. Security:

    • Protect your API credentials and never share them publicly. The bot is designed with security in mind, but users must take steps to safeguard their information.
  6. Responsibility for Actions:

    • By using this bot, you agree that you are solely responsible for any actions taken using the bot. The creators of the Soluify Telegram Copy & Paste Bot are not liable for any misuse or consequences arising from the use of this tool.