WolfkarlX / SpaTi

Spa Appointment Booking Mobile App
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Dropdown menu in Edit Profile view #44

Closed WolfkarlX closed 2 weeks ago

WolfkarlX commented 2 weeks ago

1. Dropdown menu in Edit Profile view

The input for the sex data in edit profile was modified to be a dropdown menu, for this the kotlin file EditProfileFragment.kt was modified, where in the onViewCreated function it was modified and an array was added with the options to choose the sex and in the setData function "binding.sexoEt.setText(it.sex)" was added to set the current value in the sex field and there we configured the adapter for the sex data value.

2. Reports problem fixed

The problem of the reports being null in the database was because in the code when a user edited their profile nothing was sent.

The solution was to add the Reports data in EditProfileFragment.kt, where in the getUserObj function we added "reports = binding.reportsEt.text.toString()" with this we obtain the number of reports in the database. In the layout fragment_edit_profile.xml I added a TextView with the report ID and left attributes that prevent the user from interacting or seeing the reports themselves.

3. Translated and redesigned toasts

The strings in the strings.xml file found at src/main/res/values/strings.xml have been translated into Spanish.

The way toasts are printed was also modified, adding the custom_toast.xml layout, where the size of the toast is made to be the string so that all the text is printed and the user can see it.

4. Image without text and background added

The image fondo_cita.png was modified to remove the text it contained, then a drawable called "fondo_cita_transparente" was created and now it is used in different views to place a background on them.

5. Corrections to the Terms and Conditions