Rename Fragment since the implementation of fragment with a similar name, it have to be renamed to avoid confusion.
Main activity was modified in order to reflect the new named fragment
Add new methods in repositories of Appointment entity as well as the implementation
Modified AppointmentViewModel to reflect the changes made in the repository
Add a helper method in ServiceViewModel to clean the state to handle with a observer
Modified fragment_spa_schedule: Add padding to the Recycler view, modified recycler view and progress bar tags(mainly the relative location in the layout)
Major changes to the item_cita_agenda, i used this item for the fragment as well, but before it had a GridLayout which make some textView overlaps if i modified the Label, so i change the GridLayout for a ConstraintLayout to make relatives positions instead of absolutes.
Only appointments that were requested by the client and accepted by the spa should be displayed in the calendar, i.e. appointments with a "accepted" status.
Remove the "Appointment Status" property from the appointment item itself.
Whats new? And Why?
entity as well as the implementationAppointmentViewModel
to reflect the changes made in the repositoryServiceViewModel
to clean the state to handle with a observerfragment_spa_schedule
: Add padding to the Recycler view, modified recycler view and progress bar tags(mainly the relative location in the layout)item_cita_agenda
, i used this item for the fragment as well, but before it had aGridLayout
which make some textView overlaps if i modified the Label, so i change theGridLayout
for aConstraintLayout
to make relatives positions instead of absolutes.