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Tell WordCamps hosting Contributor Days about the Contribute page/tool #295

Open sereedmedia opened 10 months ago

sereedmedia commented 10 months ago

While checking out the Contributor Day page for WordCamp Kathmandu, I realized it did not link to the new Contribute page on make.wordpress.org: http://make.wordpress.org/contribute

We need to:

Related issues:

This is the ticket for creating a standardized contributor flow: https://github.com/WordPress/Marketing-Team/issues/290

sereedmedia commented 8 months ago

Attempting to find the proper contact for getting this info out to WordCamp organizers, I've posted in the #community-events Slack :

Hi y'all! As part of our New Contributor Flow project, #marketing has created a Contribute page (with a "find your team" tool), and a Join page that has general "how to get signed up" instructions for WordPress.org and Slack (and we will add GitHub soon). We would like these pages to be part of the information given to WordCamp organizers, so if they are having a Contributor Day or just referencing contribution, they have these project-wide tools to use and promote. Does anyone know who would be best to connect with about this?

abhansnuk commented 7 months ago

Suggest asking for it to be raised at the Community deputies meeting as they all interact with the different WordCamps, and it would be useful to highlight to WordCamps's audiences even if they are not running a contributor event on that occasion.