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Return to site after editing in FSE #47934

Open helgatheviking opened 1 year ago

helgatheviking commented 1 year ago

What problem does this address?

When I edit a site in Full Site Editor and save my changes there's no obvious way to quit the editor and return to the front end of the site.

What is your proposed solution?

In the save menu there could be option to save and exit? or an exit link in the top menu next to View/Save. I did eventually find a "view site" under view that opens up a new tab. but ideally, I'd like to just quit the FSE and be back on the site where I was when I opened the FSE.

annezazu commented 1 year ago

@helgatheviking hey there! So great to see your name here. Does a true preview option cover your suggestion? https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/issues/29398

I'm also curious if Browse mode might be what you're looking for when you can go back to an overall view of your site: https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/issues/36667 In the long run, this will allow you to "zoom" in and out to edit various pieces of content before going back to looking through the rest of your site.

helgatheviking commented 1 year ago

:wave: Hi Anne! Dragged into the future kicking and screaming. :) I don't think Browse mode is what I am after. I don't want to preview anything... I am done and want to quit the FSE, which currently doesn't seem possible. I have to open a new tab to get back to the site without the FSE in front of it.

jameskoster commented 1 year ago

Sounds like the flow involves entering the Site Editor via the Edit Site button in the Admin Bar on the frontend:

Screenshot 2023-02-13 at 11 49 14

In this flow I agree you'd expect to find a quick way back to the frontend.

jameskoster commented 1 year ago

Perhaps the simplest solution would be for the site title in the navigation panel to act as a link to view the frontend.

Screenshot 2023-02-13 at 13 10 19
helgatheviking commented 1 year ago

Hi James. 👋

Sounds like the flow involves entering the Site Editor via the Edit Site button in the Admin Bar on the frontend:

Yup, that's exactly my flow. Currently, it's got Hotel California vibes because you can check out any time you'd like, but you can never leave. :)

I don't know if the site title/logo would be obvious enough that it's also the exit.

jameskoster commented 1 year ago

Hello :)

I was hoping there might be a design we could implement that satisfies the flow you described in the OP, and also serve as a general "view the frontend" tool, regardless of flow. Maybe it's just a case of making the site title look more like a link, or including a dedicated 'View' button.

The latter might create an opportunity for the admin bar and the panel header in the site editor to merge into the same element further down the road. Crude example:


helgatheviking commented 1 year ago

Not too shabby! That's definitely a decent start. Could "view" be exit? Or do you think that's confusing?

jameskoster commented 1 year ago

I think that would be confusing if you entered via the admin rather than the frontend. You might expect 'Exit' to return you to the Admin rather than the frontend.

Overall my preference leans towards simply making the site title a link. But perhaps there are more options still to explore.

helgatheviking commented 1 year ago

What if like the admin toolbar you got a drop down. then you could have "go to site" and "go to dashboard" options? image