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Add structured event data to SOTW page #381

Open iandunn opened 6 months ago

iandunn commented 6 months ago

It could increase attendance, similar to https://github.com/WordPress/wordcamp.org/issues/1205

https://developers.google.com/search/docs/appearance/structured-data/event https://developers.google.com/search/docs/appearance/structured-data/home-activities

After the event, it could show the recording URL

jonoalderson commented 6 months ago

I'm nervous about us improvising structured data without a robust structured data framework, and about doing it manually (thus requiring us to update it in the case of alterations, or after the fact).

I also think if we believe there's value in doing this (which we do), then we should be prioritising doing it on WordCamp events/websites (which we're not) - or even on our fancy new events website - where there's already enough structure in the data and templates that this could be relatively straightforward. Feels a bit icky to be prioritizing SOTW over grass-roots events which are arguably more important 😓

iandunn commented 6 months ago

Hey 👋🏻 Thanks for the feedback.

I'm nervous about us improvising structured data without a robust structured data framework

Can you share more about that? What makes you nervous? What would you like to see in a framework?

doing it manually (thus requiring us to update it in the case of alterations, or after the fact)

I wasn't thinking that we'd modify it manually. Instead we'd setup the code to change the output dynamically based on whether the current time is before/after the event, and if the necessary URLs for the live stream and recording are available.

we should be prioritising doing it on WordCamp events/websites (which we're not)

There's already a PR for that, it'll probably merge next week.

Feels a bit icky to be prioritizing SOTW over grass-roots events which are arguably more important 😓

I 💯 believe that local events are much more important 👍🏻

I don't think anyone is prioritizing this, though. I just opened it because I thought it was a good idea after seeing Joost's comment, and I didn't want to forget about it.

jonoalderson commented 5 months ago

Awesome, thanks for clarifying. Happy to help; will share some thoughts on a framework + an approach ASAP!