The WorldWind Android "Community Edition" SDK (WWA-CE) includes the library, examples and tutorials for building 3D virtual globe applications for phones and tablets.
To make all gestures two-fingered just limit pan gesture to one finger and use two fingers for tilt instead of three in WorldWindowController.
((PanRecognizer) panRecognizer).setMaxNumberOfPointers(1); // Do not pan during tilt
((PanRecognizer) tiltRecognizer).setMinNumberOfPointers(2); // Use two fingers for tilt gesture
To make all gestures two-fingered just limit pan gesture to one finger and use two fingers for tilt instead of three in WorldWindowController.
and lock tilt if rotation starts and otherwise:
Or may be better solution to use transitionToState(WorldWind.FAILED) instead of disabling dependent gestures. I need to investigate this approach.