Worldpay / worldpay-lib-ios

iOS Library for Worldpay
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Test Project does not work with 3DS Enabled #8

Open aaronwardle opened 8 years ago

aaronwardle commented 8 years ago


We are trying out the sample project to test our account with 3DS payments however it does not seem to work for us when we enable the 3DS a blank page comes up then disappears and we just get the message "Error authorising 3DS Order"

The card I am using works with 3DS on other websites so this should not be the issue. also we spoke with WorldPay tech support who suggested our original code is not handling the pasres value and advised us to try the test project from what I can see it looks like an issue with the iOS SDK perhaps?

This is the error response dictionary

(lldb) po responseDictionary { customCode = "INVALID_PAYMENT_DETAILS"; description = "Server is refusing to fulfill the request."; errorHelpUrl = "<null>"; httpStatusCode = 400; message = "EXT_67: Verification of threeDSResponseCode failed"; originalRequest = "{'threeDSResponseCode':'eNpVj8EOwiAQRH+F9ANAPK97sR69aH+AyERJEJKF9vutKbX1ODuzs29peAnQ3\\/EYBUxXlOKeUMGfOtsxXUSyME2QEnJiqw\\/6SGaVhK99zh5syWximbcuvuVcFSLeSFWFNLkYvG7xNbNs9KguRN4jtVxzZpDkt4s7Raahml+l+XvtA+vTU7M','shopperUserAgent':'Mozilla\\/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit\\/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile\\/13B143','shopperAcceptHeader':'application\\/json','shopperSessionId':'C40082F9B80585843A6ACDF6A727FCD1','shopperIpAddress':''}";

Thanks Aaron

aaronwardle commented 8 years ago

Thanks Deniz,

Let me know if you need an extra info this is a little urgent now as we have published an iOS app and lots of people are now using the app to test stolen credit cards, I'm hoping the SDK will be fixed soon otherwise we will have to rip out WorldPay and switch to another provider that can support 3DS.

Thanks Aaron

aaronwardle commented 7 years ago


Any news on this issue? This is starting to become a joke and our client is not happy with the amount of fraud orders coming through as we cannot enable 3DS checking in the app?

WorldPay have acknowledged and issue with the libraries over a month ago now.

It looks like if we don't receive a fix in the next week we will have to switch to stripe or JudoPay :(

Thanks Aaron

aaronwardle commented 7 years ago

So a few months later WorldPay have not fixed the SDK Bug and have now terminated our customers WorldPay account due to high level of fraud orders 👎.

We would have not had high level of fraud orders if they would fix the SDK.