WouterEekhout / MMM-Tado

A MagicMirror Module for your Tado Smart Thermostat.
MIT License
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Ability to hide humidity #4

Closed dinkybluebug closed 7 years ago

dinkybluebug commented 7 years ago

Hi - more of a enhancement than bug - It would be great if one of the config options was to hide Humidity. I dont really refer or look at this data.

I realise that this is quite personal - so feel free to ignore - ha!

Still a great module by the way!

dinkybluebug commented 7 years ago

Ive tried to hide using CSS - but I dont think it has its own class name? (not sure Ive used the right terminology there

WouterEekhout commented 7 years ago

Hi it is not something I'm going to implement. If you don't want it you can Comment out the following code in MMM-Tado.js (line 156-165):

` var breakLine = document.createElement("br"); secondTableDateWrapper.appendChild(breakLine);

                var humidityWrapper = document.createElement("span");
                var humidityIconWrapper = document.createElement("i");
                humidityIconWrapper.className = "fa fa-tint";
                var humidityTextWrapper = document.createTextNode(zone.state.sensorDataPoints.humidity.percentage + "%");
dinkybluebug commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the reply. Much appreciated. I have a different setup on my mirror and I'm short of available display space.