Wox-launcher / Wox

A cross-platform launcher that simply works
GNU General Public License v3.0
24.62k stars 2.37k forks source link

Installed software are not recommended #3116

Closed JJplane closed 1 year ago

JJplane commented 4 years ago

i am not sure which setting i have changed, then the wox doesn't show any useful suggestions but some basic tools that wox, i cann't get any software installed on my pc now . image

bitkleberAST commented 4 years ago

Did you change pathes in settings of program plugin? (Settings -> Plugin -> Program -> Program Sources) Maybe it would help to remove all entries there, add one after another, reindex after adding one and try to find/start programs of the recently added path.

Can you upload your log files here? Open a new Windows Explorer and input %appdata%\Wox\Logs\ into the address bar. The most recent log file should be sufficient.

JJplane commented 4 years ago

2020-09-13 15:57:54.0820|ERROR|Wox.Plugin.Program.Programs.Win32|ProgramPaths|Permission denied C:\Users\jipen\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu 2020-09-13 15:57:54.1029|ERROR|Wox.Plugin.Program.Programs.Win32|ProgramPaths|Permission denied C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu 2020-09-13 15:57:54.1079|INFO|Wox.Plugin.Program.Main|IndexPrograms|Win32 index cost <50ms> 2020-09-13 15:57:54.1533|INFO|Wox.Plugin.Program.Main|IndexPrograms|UWP index cost <95ms> 2020-09-13 15:57:54.1543|INFO|Wox.Plugin.Program.Main|IndexPrograms|Number of indexed win32 programs <214> 2020-09-13 15:57:54.1543|INFO|Wox.Plugin.Program.Main|IndexPrograms|Number of indexed uwps <38> 2020-09-13 15:57:55.0620|ERROR|Wox.Plugin.Program.Programs.UWP|All|Cannot parse UWP C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application|Exception begin -------------------- System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\AppxManifest.xml'. HResult: -2147024894 Data: -> Data: -> <C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application> Source: mscorlib TargetAssembly: mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 TargetModule: CommonLanguageRuntimeLibrary TargetSite: Void WinIOError(Int32, System.String) StackTrace: -------------------- at System.IO.Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost) at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize) at System.Xml.XmlDownloadManager.GetStream(Uri uri, ICredentials credentials, IWebProxy proxy, RequestCachePolicy cachePolicy) at System.Xml.XmlUrlResolver.GetEntity(Uri absoluteUri, String role, Type ofObjectToReturn) at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.FinishInitUriString() at System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings.CreateReader(String inputUri, XmlParserContext inputContext) at Wox.Plugin.Program.Programs.UWP.InitializeAppInfo() in C:\projects\wox\Plugins\Wox.Plugin.Program\Programs\UWP.cs:line 51 at Wox.Plugin.Program.Programs.UWP.<>c__DisplayClass25_0.b0(UWP package, ParallelLoopState state) in C:\projects\wox\Plugins\Wox.Plugin.Program\Programs\UWP.cs:line 151 Exception end ------------------------------------------------------------

2020-09-13 15:57:55.0759|ERROR|Wox.Plugin.Program.Programs.Win32|ProgramPaths|Permission denied C:\Users\jipen\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu 2020-09-13 15:57:55.0959|ERROR|Wox.Plugin.Program.Programs.Win32|ProgramPaths|Permission denied C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu 2020-09-13 15:57:55.0959|INFO|Wox.Plugin.Program.Main|IndexPrograms|Win32 index cost <50ms> 2020-09-13 15:57:55.1328|INFO|Wox.Plugin.Program.Main|IndexPrograms|UWP index cost <80ms> 2020-09-13 15:57:55.1328|INFO|Wox.Plugin.Program.Main|IndexPrograms|Number of indexed win32 programs <214> 2020-09-13 15:57:55.1328|INFO|Wox.Plugin.Program.Main|IndexPrograms|Number of indexed uwps <38>

JJplane commented 4 years ago

The settings of program plugin has been changed as you mentioned, which i have tried before.Now it give useless folders index.(i tried to get IDE pycharm, but these folders showed) image

JJplane commented 4 years ago

The settings of program plugin has been changed as you mentioned, which i have tried before.Now it give useless folders index.(i tried to get IDE pycharm, but these folders showed) image image