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Pull your magic app out of the Docker hat #47

Closed slomek closed 5 years ago

slomek commented 5 years ago

Pull your magic app out of the Docker hat

The talk

One-sentence summary

The world of TypeScript might be a bit overwhelming, but with Docker we can make the first step a little easier for people who now what they want to change, but don't know where to begin.

What's the format — is it a case study, a live coding session, a workshop or something else?

A little bit of everything, as I can start with a brief intro to Docker (explain what it is, so theory), show how to package your app into a Docker container (code presentation) and maybe play around to see what can we do beyond basics (live coding?).

Tell us more about the talk


A few words about yourself

Former full-stack and front-end dev, currently backend working exclusively with Go at Ingrid. Co-organizer and a speaker of GoWroc, with three conference appearances under my belt. Blogger at My Code Smells for too long already (because people ask me about stuff I no longer do, like handle React in IE). More details here.

How can we find you on social media?

GitHub and Twitter I believe.

Would you be willing to have a Q/A session after the talk?

Sure, why not.

Do you mind if we record the event?

I don't mind, unless I have a bad hair day.

Is there anything we can help you with?

To be honest this is more of a question whether or not such a topic would be interesting to the WrocTS community, as it is not 100% related to the language itself. As far as the talk itself, it still requires lots of work. I have a PoC ready just to make sure what I want to show is possible, but before I can go live with it I'd need some time 😅

welcome[bot] commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your contribution! One of the @WrocTypeScript/organisers will go back to you as soon as possible.

slomek commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your contribution! One of the @WrocTypeScript/organisers will go back to you as soon as possible.

Hi welcome bot! Thanks for your quick response. Also, no need to rush with the response, I'm not desparate.

karol-majewski commented 5 years ago

@slomek thanks for your visit and for being nice to our bot! It never gets the love and appreciation it deserves.

As for your talk, I must say, this is the best-looking proposal we received. This sad thing is, it's not about TypeScript. I feel torn in two.

Also, no need to rush with the response, I'm not desparate.

You would like to think so, but really you are. What sane person would like to talk about Docker on a TypeScript meetup? Besides, we kind of are, too. Turns out, no one wants to talk about anything, not only Docker.

Let me call a special meeting of @WrocTypeScript/organisers in which your application will be considered. If needed, this meeting can consist of you and me and we can decide we want to do it. The realm of possibilities is infinite.

slomek commented 5 years ago

As for your talk, I must say, this is the best-looking proposal we received. This sad thing is, it's not about TypeScript. I feel torn in two.

I'd like to explain myself, as it was brought to my attention by @hasparus that WrocTypeScript is looking for some more general topics as well. As it turns out, I must reconsider him as a cool bro, given how far from the truth it was. Having said that, I don't want to see you torn in two, so I can retract my proposal if that helps glue you back to a single piece. No hard feelings!

hasparus commented 5 years ago


TypeScript is blue, Docker is too, Rejecting @slomek? How could you!? We're all desperate, what can we do? Should we accept it? Or shall we say boo? I deem it adequate. Oh yes, I do! Dear team, adjudicate. Is it cool for you?

I have to be nice now to redeem myself and avoid losing the tile to "cool bro".

IMHO Docker is an useful tool — Not so much for front-end developers, our main target, we can think. — But are we really free of OS concerns thanks to our lord and savior NodeJS? I'm sure node-gyp users that had to export PYTHON=python2.7 would disagree. (https://github.com/sass/node-sass/issues/1176, https://github.com/nodejs/node-gyp/issues/1687)

TypeScript introduced many people to the word compiler and broader (inner?) world of programming in general, and while we — nerdy as we are — usually like to wonder about monoids in the category of endofunctors, retry combinators and functional optics, I feel we should acknowledge the existence of the people new to programming in our community and support their growth. TBH I don't have the results of the Twitter survey in which we asked about the difficulty level of the meetup. @karol-majewski do you still have them?

Słomek's proposal poses a question we have to answer as an organization. How strictly connected to TypeScript should our talks be? Exactly about TypeScript ( https://github.com/WrocTypeScript/talks/issues/40)? Just useful for TypeScript users, like this proposal, or somewhere in-between (https://github.com/WrocTypeScript/talks/issues/32)?

karol-majewski commented 5 years ago

As it turns out, I must reconsider him as a cool bro, given how far from the truth it was.

Please resist this temptation, and do restrain yourself for a moment before you declare @hasparus's level of coolness below your standards. He's known to be a fine bro, who I don't believe is guided by malice. I'm convinced his intentions were pure just like his heart is, for his coolness can only be matched by the strength of his urge to help others realize their full potential.

It’s not incorrect to say Docker and TypeScript show signs of affection towards each other. However, the amount of attention Docker seems to receive is disproportionate to the power it's able to offer the common folk.

If I may make an observation, the reason our community — however diverse and eager to learn — has succeeded in gathering on a cyclical basis centers around the core idea behind it. The language is our focus. As sad as it may sound, time remains stubbornly finite, forcing us to keep the full extent of our work under wraps.

The answer reveals itself if we choose a better question: how can we serve our people by empowering them in their everyday tasks?

In all seriousness, I don't really mind for as long as it's not the only talk that day. :bowtie:

Typeform survey results:


The other one was done on Meetup:


hasparus commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the survey results.

In all seriousness, I don't really mind for as long as it's not the only talk that day. :bowtie:

Yeah, it would be suboptimal 😦. Wouldn't it fit nicely with a one or two backend talks? (https://github.com/WrocTypeScript/talks/issues/46 / serverless / codegen from graphql or json schema)

karol-majewski commented 5 years ago

@slomek Would it be possible to make a 5-minute version of your talk?

We're doing lightning only talks in September, and having a 5-minute presentation about Docker would allow us to diversify the topics significantly.

slomek commented 5 years ago

I see two problems with a 5-minute presentation in September at the moment: I'm not sure if I'd be able to join on the 25th, and even if I would, I won't have much time to prepare the talk within the next few days. Most likely I'd find some more time mid-September, which might be too late for you to squeeze me in probably.

Let me know when is the latest I need to declare, because even though you got played by some spekers not showing up already (so maybe you're used to id by now :trollface: ), I don't want to be that guy 😉

karol-majewski commented 5 years ago

@slomek thanks for making your position clear! If it's a lightning talk then you don't need to declare it. Just do it. And if you can't, then there's October and November. 😉

slomek commented 5 years ago

If it's a lightning talk then you don't need to declare it. Just do it.

Is the offer still on the table? I believe I'd be able to show what I had in mind in a couple of minutes, so I was thinking of sharing that as a quick lightning talk. Or are you already overbooked with talks for next week?

karol-majewski commented 5 years ago

@slomek We'll take it! Thank you.