Wunderfitz / harbour-fernschreiber

Fernschreiber is a Telegram client for Sailfish OS
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Jump to post from quote #538

Closed mbarashkov closed 12 months ago

mbarashkov commented 1 year ago

This PR fixes https://github.com/Wunderfitz/harbour-fernschreiber/issues/502 and jumps to the quoted message (instead of opening it in a popup (overlay) view). If needed, the message is first loaded, and only then scrolled to.

Wunderfitz commented 1 year ago

Thx, generally open towards the change, but please don't remove it entirely. Please consider implementing it as an option and/or as a button "Jump to message" on the overlay.

mbarashkov commented 1 year ago

@Wunderfitz I've added a setting for this (default is false to keep the current overlay behavior).

monich commented 1 year ago

this doesn't always work for me 😐 sometimes it does, sometimes doesn't. there's nothing obvious in the log when it doesn't. overlay always works

mbarashkov commented 1 year ago

@monich most likely it means the quoted message is already on screen, and there's no need to scroll to it. Please test carefully.

monich commented 12 months ago

hmm, could be. then the target bubble needs to be highlighted for a brief period of time or something. right now nothing happens which gives an impression that... well, that nothing happens

Wunderfitz commented 12 months ago

Just tested it, highlighting the target message seems to be pretty simply. Will add that after merging. Thanks, seems to work well - very lean solution! :)