XGProyect / XG-Proyect-v3.x.x

XG Proyect is an OGame clone open-source web application framework designed for creating game clones, particularly those inspired by the popular game OGame, set in a vast and captivating space-themed universe.
GNU General Public License v3.0
147 stars 101 forks source link

[Feature] Template restructuring such as redesign or similar #413

Open jonamix-ar opened 3 years ago

jonamix-ar commented 3 years ago

Resources Settings Imagen: 1

**Recursos e imagenes**
- Image command team: 


Marketplace Deprecated:

Update Text Officers

English Line

'of_title' => 'Your officers', 'of_darkmatter_description' => 'Dark Matter is a substance for which storage has only been possible for a few standard years and still requires a lot of effort. It can be processed to produce unimaginable quantities of energy. The methods used to gain Dark Matter are complex and full of risks, making it very valuable.
Only Dark Matter that has been bought and is still available protects an account from deletion!', 'of_darkmatter_description_short' => 'Dark Matter can be used to hire Officers and Commanders as well as pay for merchant offers, planet moves and items.', 'of_get_darkmatter' => 'Purchase Dark Matter', 'of_benefits' => 'Benefits:', 'of_info' => 'With your officers you can lead your empire to a size beyond your wildest dreams - all you need is some Dark Matter and your workers and advisers will work even harder!',

Spanish Line

'of_title' => 'Tus oficiales', 'of_darkmatter_description' => 'La Materia Oscura es una sustancia que desde hace apenas unos años se puede almacenar, y aun así esto representa grandes dificultades. De ella se pueden extraer increíbles cantidades de energía. El proceso que se requiere para producir Materia Oscura es complejo y arriesgado, por lo que se ha convertido en un bien muy valioso.
¡Sólo la materia oscura comprada que aún no se ha consumido protege una cuenta de su eliminación!', 'of_darkmatter_description_short' => 'Con Materia oscura puedes reclutar oficiales y comandantes, así como pagar ofertas de comerciantes, traslados de planetas y objetos.', 'of_get_darkmatter' => 'Conseguir Materia Oscura', 'of_benefits' => 'Ventajas:', 'of_info' => 'Con los oficiales puedes expandir tu imperio hasta unas extensiones que jamás has soñado. ¡Todo lo que necesitas es algo de materia oscura y tus trabajadores y consejeros trabajarán incluso más!',

jonamix-ar commented 3 years ago

Update Deprecated marketplace and lines officiers redesigned. Spanish ES and English UK