XX-net / XX-Net

A proxy tool to bypass GFW.
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新版本没有START.SH,如何在OPENWRT运行 #3685

Open sbitoh opened 8 years ago

sbitoh commented 8 years ago

按网上说的都配置好了,就是没有START.SH,怎么运行啊? 直接./START是不行的,没反映 default下的XX_NET.SH也不行,返回代码如下: Python 2.7.3 Starting xx_net proxy server: xx_net.

/code/default/launcher/start.py 运行这个结果如下: /mnt/SAWYER/soft/usr/bin/python2.7: '/mnt/SAWYER/b/code/default/python27/1.0/lib /linux/_cffi_backend.so' is not an ELF executable for MIPS /mnt/SAWYER/soft/usr/bin/python2.7: '/mnt/SAWYER/b/code/default/python27/1.0/lib /linux/_cffi_backend.so' is not an ELF executable for MIPS Jun 21 09:03:13.246 - [INFO] import build-in openssl fail:ImportError('File not found',) Jun 21 09:03:23.773 - [INFO] start XX-Net 3.1.14 Jun 21 09:03:35.124 - [DEBUG] start confirm_xxnet_exit Jun 21 09:03:35.153 - [DEBUG] good, xxnet:8087 cleared! Jun 21 09:03:35.168 - [DEBUG] good, xxnet:8085 clear! Jun 21 09:03:35.170 - [DEBUG] finished confirm_xxnet_exit Jun 21 09:03:36.553 - [DEBUG] network is ok, cost:825 ms Jun 21 09:03:36.727 - [INFO] SSL use version:TLSv1 Jun 21 09:03:36.763 - [INFO] OpenSSL dont't support npn/alpn, no HTTP/2 supporte d. Jun 21 09:03:36.786 - [INFO] load ip range file:/mnt/SAWYER/b/data/gaeproxy/ip range.txt Jun 21 09:03:42.908 - [INFO] load google ip_list num:9000, gws num:9000 Jun 21 09:03:43.565 - [DEBUG] sort ip time:654ms Jun 21 09:03:43.724 - [INFO] OpenSSL dont't support npn/alpn, no HTTP/2 supporte d. Jun 21 09:03:43.740 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:114 Jun 21 09:03:43.769 - [DEBUG] get ip: t:115 Jun 21 09:03:43.991 - [DEBUG] ## GAEProxy set keep_running: True Jun 21 09:03:44.002 - [INFO] --------------------------------------------------- --- Jun 21 09:03:44.005 - [INFO] Python Version : 2.7.3 Jun 21 09:03:44.014 - [INFO] OS : Dist:; Version:; ID: Jun 21 09:03:44.016 - [INFO] Listen Address : Jun 21 09:03:44.018 - [INFO] GAE APPID : sbitohkyoko|sbitohkyoko2 Jun 21 09:03:44.020 - [INFO] Pac Server : c Jun 21 09:03:44.023 - [INFO] --------------------------------------------------- --- Jun 21 09:03:44.258 - [INFO] server started. Jun 21 09:03:44.272 - [INFO] server started. Jun 21 09:03:44.300 - [INFO] module gae_proxy started Jun 21 09:03:44.301 - [INFO] start gae_proxy time cost:9127 ms Jun 21 09:03:53.557 - [ERROR] start module x_tunnel fail:dynamic module does not define init function (init_ctypes) Jun 21 09:04:01.187 - [ERROR] Except stack:Traceback (most recent call last): File "/mnt/SAWYER/b/code/default/launcher/module_init.py", line 37, in start proc_handler[module]["imp"] = import(module, globals(), locals(), ['loca l', 'start'], -1) File "/mnt/SAWYER/b/code/default/x_tunnel/start.py", line 14, in import local.client as client File "/mnt/SAWYER/b/code/default/x_tunnel/local/client.py", line 40, in import proxy_session File "/mnt/SAWYER/b/code/default/x_tunnel/local/proxy_session.py", line 13, in import encrypt File "/mnt/SAWYER/b/code/default/python27/1.0/lib/noarch/encrypt.py", line 32, in from scrypto import m2, rc4_md5, salsa20_ctr, ctypes_openssl, table File "/mnt/SAWYER/b/code/default/python27/1.0/lib/noarch/scrypto/ctypes_openss l.py", line 27, in from ctypes import CDLL, c_char_p, c_int, c_long, byref,\ File "/mnt/SAWYER/soft/usr/lib/python2.7/ctypes/init.py", line 10, in from _ctypes import Union, Structure, Array ImportError: dynamic module does not define init function (init_ctypes)

Jun 21 09:04:01.194 - [ERROR] launcher except:ImportError('dynamic module does n ot define init function (init_ctypes)',) Jun 21 09:04:01.206 - [ERROR] Except stack:Traceback (most recent call last): File "/mnt/SAWYER/b/code/default/launcher/start.py", line 182, in main() File "/mnt/SAWYER/b/code/default/launcher/start.py", line 159, in main module_init.start_all_auto() File "/mnt/SAWYER/b/code/default/launcher/module_init.py", line 98, in start_a ll_auto start(module) File "/mnt/SAWYER/b/code/default/launcher/module_init.py", line 37, in start proc_handler[module]["imp"] = import(module, globals(), locals(), ['loca l', 'start'], -1) File "/mnt/SAWYER/b/code/default/x_tunnel/start.py", line 14, in import local.client as client File "/mnt/SAWYER/b/code/default/x_tunnel/local/client.py", line 40, in import proxy_session File "/mnt/SAWYER/b/code/default/x_tunnel/local/proxy_session.py", line 13, in import encrypt File "/mnt/SAWYER/b/code/default/python27/1.0/lib/noarch/encrypt.py", line 32, in from scrypto import m2, rc4_md5, salsa20_ctr, ctypes_openssl, table File "/mnt/SAWYER/b/code/default/python27/1.0/lib/noarch/scrypto/ctypes_openss l.py", line 27, in from ctypes import CDLL, c_char_p, c_int, c_long, byref,\ File "/mnt/SAWYER/soft/usr/lib/python2.7/ctypes/init.py", line 10, in from _ctypes import Union, Structure, Array ImportError: dynamic module does not define init function (init_ctypes)

Press Enter to continue...Jun 21 09:04:02.184 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip:106 .103.1.190 time:208 h2:0 Jun 21 09:04:03.586 - [DEBUG] create_ssl update ip: time:260 h2:0 Jun 21 09:04:04.696 - [DEBUG] sort ip time:1109ms

能启动,但是报错好多,求大神指点,我的启动方式对吗?这些错误怎么解决? 和OPENSSL有关的文件如下: libopenssl 1.0.2-2 pyopenssl 0.10-1 python-openssl 2.7.3-2

jzp820927 commented 8 years ago

估计是你 python 版本太低了吧

Cat7373 commented 8 years ago
# 这种首先请给 start 文件 rx 权限
# 或者
bash ./start
# 或者
mv ./start start.sh
bash ./start.sh
sbitoh commented 8 years ago

@jzp820927 找不到Pandora用的新的PYTHON,官方源里的是2.7.3的,伤心啊,大神有2.7.6的源吗?

sbitoh commented 8 years ago

@Cat7373 bash版本是4.2-5 ,运行结果如下: [root@PandoraBox_ACEC:/mnt/SAWYER/b]#ls README.md SwitchyOmega code data start start.bat start.vbs [root@PandoraBox_ACEC:/mnt/SAWYER/b]#bash ./start -ash: bash: not found 还是不行。。。。。

junegucas commented 8 years ago

@sbitoh 你现在不仅bash不可用,连opkg都用不了了,可能,当然其他的很多命令你都用不了了。我当时重刷了OpenWrt.

sbitoh commented 8 years ago

@junegucas opkg可用。。。。

sbitoh commented 8 years ago

@Cat7373 三种方法都试了,还是不行,请问怎么给 start 文件 rx 权限

junegucas commented 8 years ago

chmod +x start

junegucas commented 8 years ago


jzp820927 commented 8 years ago

@sbitoh bash ./start 不行,就试试 sh ./start