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Fuse COCO and Caipy #48

Open ClementPinard opened 1 month ago

ClementPinard commented 1 month ago

Find a way to fuse together COCO and Caipy

This will make the json schema feature much more accessible since it will be available for COCO

Some thoughts about COCO and json data in general : https://www.notion.so/clementpinard/YACV-Yet-Another-COCO-Variation-352d2b9dff494be4b87de661e9529fe7?pvs=4

ClementPinard commented 1 month ago

For those who don't want to create a notion account (understandable)

Here is a published page version : https://clementpinard.notion.site/YACV-Yet-Another-COCO-Variation-352d2b9dff494be4b87de661e9529fe7