Xenira / LiveSplit-Websocket

This provides a websocket to connect to LiveSplit
MIT License
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LiveSplit Websocket

Lasse Sprengel lasse.sprengel@pm.me v0.1

WARNING: This is still in active development and APIs will change.

LiveSplit Websocket is a LiveSplit component that allows for other programs and other computers to control LiveSplit.

This project is based on the https://github.com/LiveSplit/LiveSplit.Server[LiveSplit Server] and most methods are still accessible. The major difference is the use of Websockets, which makes integrating Web Applications easier, the addition of events and the removal of executing scripts (security?).

== Install

== Setup

Add the component to the Layout (Control -> LiveSplit Websocket). In Layout Settings, you can change the Server Port and view your local IP Address.

=== Control

You MUST start the Server before programs can talk to it (Right click on LiveSplit -> Control -> Start Server (WS)). You MUST manually start it each time you launch LiveSplit.

=== Layout Settings

Port:: is the door (1 of thousands) on your computer that this program sends data through. Default is 16835. This should be fine for most people, but depending on network configurations, some ports may be blocked. See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_%28computer_networking%29

Local IP:: is the address of your computer on your network. It is needed for other computers or phones on your network to talk to yours. Programs on your computer should be able to use "localhost".

Note that this is NOT your public IP with most network configurations. In most cases, it means nothing if it is seen on stream. DO NOT search "what is my IP" on stream as that will show you your public IP.

The local IP is the "IPv4 Address" of the first connected network adapter. This is normally what clients need, but software (such as virtual machines or VPNs) may add network adapters which can appear first. If in doubt, open Command Prompt and run ipconfig. The device you are looking for is probably either "Ethernet adapter Ethernet" or "Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi".

=== Usage The websocket is started at ws://(local IP):16835/livesplit. Websocket Secure (wss) schema is not currently supported.

=== Using Across the Internet To make a public server, consider learning to set up a web server and use what you learn. It is probably wiser, safer, and easier to use an IRC bot or something else though. Look at "Known Uses" or ask around.

== Commands

CAUTION: This section needs to be updated with current command structure! Have a look into the code, should a command misbehave. You have been warned.

Commands are case sensitive. You can provide parameters by using a space after the command and sending the parameters afterwards (<command><space><parameters>).

A command can respond with a message.

Here's the list of commands:

The following commands respond with a time:

Other commands:

Commands are defined at ProcessMessage in "ServerComponent.cs".

When using Game Time, it's important that you call "initgametime" once. Once "initgametime" is used, an additional comparison will appear and you can switch to it via the context menu (Compare Against > Game Time). This special comparison will show everything based on the Game Time (every component now shows Game Time based information).

== Known Uses

link:https://github.com/ffyte/Livesplit-websocket-hotkeys[Livesplit-websocket-hotkeys]:: Command line client that uses websocket for basic functionality, with hotkey support.

Made something cool? Consider getting it added to this list.

== Example Clients