Middlebury reference data sets the configuration of the tutorial to download the data sets, but the links in the tutorial (http://vision.middlebury.edu/stereo/data) in the corresponding page has multiple data sets: 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2014, 2021. I downloaded them all, but when I unzipped them, there were no TrainingQ folders. So can you tell me the detailed download path?
Middlebury reference data sets the configuration of the tutorial to download the data sets, but the links in the tutorial (http://vision.middlebury.edu/stereo/data) in the corresponding page has multiple data sets: 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2014, 2021. I downloaded them all, but when I unzipped them, there were no TrainingQ folders. So can you tell me the detailed download path?