When AIRIsolateAsyncDmaLoopNest pass splits an scf.for loop nest based on async dependency, it can now split the nest into multiple imperfect loop nests, each containing a partition of the original loop nest's innermost body. Partitioning is performed based on async dependency.
A number of minor code fixups to enable this feature:
Clean up redundant logic in getAsyncTokenFromOp method.
The dependency reconstruction logic that comes after the loop splitting is rewritten; iterating through getUses() while updating uses is unsafe.
pass splits anscf.for
loop nest based on async dependency, it can now split the nest into multiple imperfect loop nests, each containing a partition of the original loop nest's innermost body. Partitioning is performed based on async dependency.A number of minor code fixups to enable this feature:
while updating uses is unsafe.