Closed ChunshuWu closed 1 year ago
Hi @ChunshuWu,
I also found there are reference clocks with frequency 161.1328125 MHz for xcu50/xcu55c parts in Ethernet/bd_cmac.tcl, are they somehow related?
These are GT reference clocks.
It seems the clock txoutclk_out is related to CMAC/NetworkLayer, which is 322 MHz. Is there a way to reduce the frequency?
No, this frequency is generated by the CMAC and it's the clock domain used for its operation, but the cmac
kernel does a CDC shortly after the CMAC.
You can try to tell v++
to use a different Vivado implementation strategy.
Or you can uncomment the line below, this will generate the xclbin even if the WNS is 2ns, you can make this number tighter.
A design with a WNS of -0.031 ns should work most of the times.
Uncommenting the line in Makefile works well, haven't tried a different implementation strategy yet but I think this should suffice, thanks!
Hi Mario,
I've been trying to compile a design on Alveo U280 based on "benchmark". As the design grew bigger, timing became an issue. I reduced the frequency of user logic following issue #42 to 100 MHz, but here's another error:
ERROR: [VPL 101-2] design did not meet timing - Design did not meet timing. One or more unscalable system clocks did not meet their required target frequency. For all system clocks, this design is using 0 nanoseconds as the threshold worst negative slack (WNS) value. List of system clocks with timing failure: system clock: txoutclk_out[0]; slack: -0.031 ns
It seems the clock _txoutclkout is related to CMAC/NetworkLayer, which is 322 MHz. Is there a way to reduce the frequency? I also found there are reference clocks with frequency 161.1328125 MHz for xcu50/xcu55c parts in Ethernet/bd_cmac.tcl, are they somehow related? I'm aware that I'm using xcu280 part though.