Open abu-matterize opened 1 week ago
After USB-C is plugged - Solid green light. Opening JTAG port with 115200 prints,
[369424]send assoc request to 22:9f:f1:a2:8d:28, ssid= (freq:8660)
SSD1306 ---
SDCard ---
Role: STA
[372870]send assoc request to 22:9f:f1:a2:8d:28, ssid= (freq:8660)
[373232]send assoc request to 22:9f:f1:a2:8d:28, ssid= (freq:8660)
[374714]send assoc request to 22:9f:f1:a2:8d:28, ssid= (freq:8660)
But no activity on the FTDI port. AT+MODE?
returns nothing.
Please refer to this video I put together. Since you’ve mentioned micro usb port I am making the assumption you have the older hardware.
Not all applications open and communicate correctly with the micro usb port which is what you need to connect to for the purposes of sending AT commands. You can likely find the windows version of this application and follow along as needed, but I used Linux.
The label in the hardware says: T-Halow V1.0 24-05-31
Now the microUSB port prints,
** hgSDK-v1.6.4.3-29063, app-0, build time:Aug 5 2024 14:48:50 **
[5]MCLR occured!
[8]syscfg_read OK!
[2013]rf init 860M...
[2021]SMT_DAT: 24012302
[2023]use UUID for MAC
[2035]IP101GR phy two led mode
[2040]tx_pwr= 20 max= 20 dBm
[2041]ac= 0 aifs= 3 cw_min= 15 cwmax= 127 txop= 0
[2045]ac= 1 aifs= 7 cw_min= 15 cwmax= 127 txop= 0
[2050]ac= 2 aifs= 2 cw_min= 7 cwmax= 127 txop= 0
[2054]ac= 3 aifs= 2 cw_min= 3 cwmax= 63 txop= 0
[2059]DCDC_1P3V: Disable
[2061]No dcfg
[2062]check wk_reason:0
[2065]WNB init: bus type:3
[2067] BSS_BW :2
[2069] MAX_STA:8
[2071] Encrypt:1
[2072] ROLE :sta
[2074] Beacon_Interval:500mS
[2077] Heartbeat_Interval:500mS
[2080] MAX_IDLE:300S
[2082] APLOST_TIME:10S
[2084]not paired, enter idle
I've 2 device, one with flash chip replaced which came in the box.
And it's print,
cca: 4s st12= 0:0 mid1224= 0:0:0:0 ed1224= 0:0:0:0 ch_bz= 0
chip-temperature:47, vcc:3.30, vdd13b:1.34, vdd13c:1.33
sta_list: no sta
every 2 seconds.
Yep, use the chips provided that came in separate bags. I can’t speak to the hardware confidently as you’re mentioning you have a micro usb port. I have two hardware models, the older ones that had micro usb and usbc ports and newer hardware that has just usbc port but also has a mode switch for ap/sta and a pair button.
If you’re now seeing output like you’ve shown above on the micro usb port, you should be able to issue AT commands.
If you’re simply trying to use them to setup a wireless bridge mode, meaning you can plug a laptop into each one and be able to ping from laptop to laptop, then check out the video I shared. You should be able to give AT commands to make one an AP and one a STA and then initiate a pairing process once. Once complete, you’ll be able to communicate across.
If you’re trying to setup one of the other modes, you’ll have to refer to the info lilygo provided. I’ve only focused on bridge mode so far.
Here it is.
I'm looking to get the AT
commands working initially.
Yep, I have that version too - just the 900mhz one instead. The video and steps I mention above should assist you assuming there’s no problems with the chips you inserted. Pay super close attention to the markings and dot on them as I accidentally briefly put one in to the seat incorrectly. Since you’re seeing output on micro usb you of course have if in correct.
I'm using picocom
, I tried with serialportassistant
as well, but the results are same.
I've 2 devices, one replaced flash chip came with bag and another as it's out of box. The log is only printed from the flash swapped device.
Each device should’ve came with a chip in a bag, based on my knowledge of the older devices like you have.
You need to replace the flash chip of each one with the chip in the bag.
Then perform the steps according to lilygo images or my video.
I don’t see in any of your screen shots above where you are issuing AT commands.
Okay. I replaced flash chips for both devices. Here is the command I've issued and received no response.
*** local echo: yes ***
local: 22:9f:f1:9c:9e:40 AID= 0
freq= 866.0 bw=2 chn=3 bgr=-60 iq=0:50:-1:0 dc=0:0(7:-1) tx=*5 dly=64:0:0 sif:rsp=0:0(0)
chn: 866.0
bgr: -60
buf: free=78 tq=0 sq=0 ac=0:0:0:0 agg=0:0:0:0 statq=0 rxq=0:0 skb=0:0 rxb=120K
irq: ac=0 bkn=0 bo(rts:frm)=0:0:0:0:0 to(rts:frm)=0:0 rx=15
tx : cnt=0 dly=0:0ms mcast(bw:mcs)=2:0 agg=0(6027,0:0) data=0KB(0kbps) dur=0ms cca=0 per=0% est_rate=0kbps fail=0 drop=0
rx : cnt=15 bus=0ms cts_bm=0:0 pks=15 data=1KB(1kbps) dur= 6ms err(phy:fcs)=0:0 ecode=0x0 rssie= 0:0 cache_rxq= 0:0
dbg: dtmd=0:0:0 stamap=0x0 sleepmap=0x0 flag=0x0 rxdp=0 kerr=0 mic=0 lerr=0 kick=0 csc=0 rst=0 ovf=0 nob=0 tsnr=0 rssi=0 rxdut=0% txp=0 rxg=5
cca: 4s st12= 0:0 mid1224= 0:0:0:0 ed1224= 0:0:0:0 ch_bz= 0
chip-temperature:45, vcc:3.31, vdd13b:1.31, vdd13c:1.31
sta_list: no sta
role:sta, bss_bw:2, encrypt:1, forward:1, key_set:0, mkey_set:0, join_group:0, bssid_set:0
chan_list: 8660,
ssid:, r_ssid:, addr:22:9f:f1:9c:9e:40
max_sta:8, tx_mcs:255, acs_enable:1, acs_tmo:0, tx_bw:2
country_region:, tx_power:20, pri_chan:3
psconnect_period:60, psconnect_roundup:4
wkio_mode:0, psmode:0, wait_psmode:0, auto_chsw:0, acktmo:0
bss_max_idle:300, beacon_int:500, dtim_period:2
group_aid:0, agg_cnt:0, aplost_time:10, roam_rssi_th:-60, roam_int:5, roam_rssidiff:12
dhcpc_en:0, dhcp_host:, ack_tmo:0, reassoc_wkhost:0, mcast_filter:0
auto_role:0, roaming:0, dupfilter:1, pa_pwrctrl_dis:0, pair_autostop:0, supper_pwr:1, mac_set:0
not_auto_save:0, dcdc13:0, auto_pair:0, heartbeat_int:500, auto_sleep_time:0, wkup_io:0, wkio_edge:0
ap_psmode:0, dis_1v1_m2u:0, psconnect_dis:0, ap_hide:0, roaming_samefreq:0, max_txcnt:7, repeater_level:1
mcast_txmcs:0, mcast_txbw:0, mcast_clearch:0, mcast_dupcnt:0
Okay. Seems like AT command is responding.
Yep that shows you it’s working. If you refer to the video I linked you to it shows you all the steps or issue the commands per the documentation.
For example on 1 AT+MODE=AP
on both while leaving both powered AT+PAIR=1
look for successful pair then on both AT+PAIR=0
The behaviour is related to picocom
it seems. When I copy paste and hit return, AT
command responds, but when I type it in, no response.
You can then plug one into your home router, for example, and plug your laptop into another. If everything is working, you should get DHCP from your home router.
The behaviour is related to
it seems. When I copy paste and hit return,AT
command responds, but when I type it in, no response.
Interesting, yeah I use what I showed in the video as that worked great for me.
Alright. It's paired.
STA0: 22:9f:f1:73:52:40
tx0: mcs=*1 bw=2MHz snr=54 cnt=16 agg=1 data=1KB(2kbps) dur=11ms dut=50% txq=0 cca=102 ack=1KB(16) drop=0KB(0) per= 0%
rx0: mcs=0 bw=2MHz evm(avg:std)=0:0 rssi=-13 agc=0 cnt=27 agg=1 data=1KB(2kbps) dur=11ms dut=49% fcsErr=0, freqDev=-381Hz adv_bw=0:0:0:0
By the way, does it required to append CR LF
at the end? What's the raw frame looks like?
Not sure, I’ve not used more advanced commands/setup yet.
Thanks for your help man.
Interestingly, it's not pasted and hit return. Once pasted - it response back.
Just a quick question @alphafox02 - Did you managed to work with WiFi STA and AP mode building a bridge instead of the Ethernet connections?
Please explain more.
I was mainly focused on the bridge from AP to STA or STA AP STA and being able to have devices plugged in via Ethernet communicate across. In those configurations things have worked. But in both configurations, the bridge is built across the Halow wireless bridge.
I’ve also tested multiple pairs on drones, but that gets a little more complicated.
Here is my thought. I'm planning to setup first t-halow (TX-AH) as an AP and the same as an WiFi AP. And the second t-halow (TX-AH) as an STA with WiFi AP.
If I connect first WiFi AP to device 1 and second WiFi AP to device 2 and assign IP address, will I be able to ping each other?
Setting this will make the esp32 as STA and join to the network?
Hello there,
I brought T-Halow and tried to communicate with TX-AH module via AT commands with microUSB port. But failed.
Do I need to flash the firmware to do so? Or is there a way I can communicate via ESP32 out of the box?