Xinyuan-LilyGO / TTGO-T-Display

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Lowest power consumption #97

Open T1j3ff opened 1 year ago

T1j3ff commented 1 year ago

Closing the screen --> digitalWrite(4, LOW);

Closing Wifi+BT --> WiFi.disconnect(true);
--> WiFi.mode(WIFI_OFF); // Switch WiFi off

Not reading the bat --> digitalWrite(POWER_EN_PIN, LOW);

And going to deep sleep

Best I can get is ~22ma consumption on the USB

Seems the USB chip put itself to off when not powered, and this is fine So about 7.7 ma , when reading power from only the Battery ( most relevant metric)

But still 7.7mA, is way to much considering the Esp32 could go in the uA range! Any other idea ?

Seems to be a firmware available ,,,,

I've never done this type of upgrade Is this to fix this ?

T1j3ff commented 1 year ago

Did the upload, With this tool

image It was suprisigly simple

The demo code can demonstrate a power down mode that I mesure down to 0.2mA in deep sleep. This is cool But my code still do 7.7mA Will have to investigate further

oculos commented 1 year ago

Same problem here. I get 17-19mA when connected to the USB. I haven't measured it only connected to the battery.