Xinyuan-LilyGO / lilygo-micropython

Micropython for LILYGO boards
GNU General Public License v3.0
101 stars 30 forks source link

T5-4.7 EDP shows ghosted image #15

Open gddeen opened 2 years ago

gddeen commented 2 years ago

My E-Ink display shows the entire screen reprinted about 16 pixels more along the X axis.

The screen does occasionally show perfectly.

EXCELLENT work porting all of LilyGo ESP products to Micropython and Circuitpython.

My board was just purchased but there is some melted PLA material over the protective plastic on the screen. Maybe the display has reached its end of life. Ive purchased several more units to check if it is a hardware problem or software.

This is part of a system with a LoRa point to point sensor, transmitter, to LoRa receiver to MQTT broker. This unit reads from the MQTT broker and displays the information from the LoRa sensors.

My code on the EDP47 display:

import os
import machine
import time

#import sys

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ##from FiraSansRegular10pt import FiraSansRegular10pt
    from framebuf1 import FrameBuffer

    #buffer = bytearray(int(960 * 540 / 2))
    buffer = bytearray(int(190 * 540 / 2))
    fb = FrameBuffer(buffer, 190, 540)
    ##fb.hline(100, 100, 100, 255)

    ##fb.vline(100, 100, 100, 255), 200, 50, 255)
    ##fb.fill_circle(400, 200, 50, 255)
    ##for i in range(16):
    ##    fb.rect(0+i*17*2, 260, 33, 32, 255)
    ##    fb.fill_rect(0+i*2*17, 292, 33, 32, i*17)
    ##    fb.text(FiraSansRegular10pt, str(i*17),i*34+1, 280 )
    ##fb.rect(600, 200, 100, 100, 255)
    ###fb.fill_rect(800, 200, 100, 100, 255)

    ##fb.line(100, 300, 400, 500, 255)
    ##fb.line(400, 500, 100, 300, 255)
    ##fb.line(400, 300, 100, 500, 255)
    ##fb.line(100, 500, 400, 300, 255)

    ##fb.triangle(200, 400, 150, 500, 250, 400, 255)
    ##fb.fill_triangle(600, 400, 600, 500, 700, 500, 255)

    ##fb.text(FiraSansRegular10pt, "1234", 50, 50)
    #fb.rect(770, 1, 160, 538, 255)
    #fb.fill_rect(771, 2, 188, 537, 10)
    fb.rect(1, 1, 189, 538, 255)
    #fb.fill_rect(2, 2, 188, 537, 0)
    if True: #try:
        from epd import EPD47
        e = EPD47()
        #e.bitmap(buffer, 0, 0, 960, 540)
        #EPD47.clear([x=0, y=0, width=960, height=540])
        #EPD47.bitmap(framebuffer, x, y, width, height)
        #EPD47.jpeg(pathname, x, y)
        #EPD47.text(text, x, y, font_size=12) # 9,12, 18, 24
        #EPD47.clear([x=0, y=0, width=960, height=540])
        dataA = [
 # TIME, Lat, Long, dhop, speed, Inclination, Direction, Temp, AQI, Rel Humidity, Odor, Batt1, Batt2            
([0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"35D56.000836' N","78D 55.50946' W", 3.8, 3678, (0, 0, 0), 100, "N", 73.2, 35, 63, "OK", 3.7, 23.8),
([0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"35D56.000836' N","78D 55.50946' W", 3.8, 3678, (0, 0, 0), 100, "N", 73.2, 35, 63, "OK", 3.7, 23.8),
([0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"35D56.000836' N","78D 55.50946' W", 3.8, 3678, (0, 0, 0), 100, "N", 73.2, 35, 63, "OK", 3.7, 23.8),
([0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"35D56.000836' N","78D 55.50946' W", 3.8, 3678, (0, 0, 0), 100, "N", 73.2, 35, 63, "OK", 3.7, 23.8),
([0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"35D56.000836' N","78D 55.50946' W", 3.8, 3678, (0, 0, 0), 100, "N", 73.2, 35, 63, "OK", 3.7, 23.8),
([0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"35D56.000836' N","78D 55.50946' W", 3.8, 3678, (0, 0, 0), 100, "N", 73.2, 35, 63, "OK", 3.7, 23.8),
([0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"35D56.000836' N","78D 55.50946' W", 3.8, 3678, (0, 0, 0), 100, "N", 73.2, 35, 63, "OK", 3.7, 23.8),
([0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"35D56.000836' N","78D 55.50946' W", 3.8, 3678, (0, 0, 0), 100, "N", 73.2, 35, 63, "OK", 3.7, 23.8),
([0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"35D56.000836' N","78D 55.50946' W", 3.8, 3678, (0, 0, 0), 100, "N", 73.2, 35, 63, "OK", 3.7, 23.8),
([0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"35D56.000836' N","78D 55.50946' W", 3.8, 3678, (0, 0, 0), 100, "N", 73.2, 35, 63, "OK", 3.7, 23.8),
([0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"35D56.000836' N","78D 55.50946' W", 3.8, 3678, (0, 0, 0), 100, "N", 73.2, 35, 63, "OK", 3.7, 23.8),
([0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"35D56.000836' N","78D 55.50946' W", 3.8, 3678, (0, 0, 0), 100, "N", 73.2, 35, 63, "OK", 3.7, 23.8),
([0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"35D56.000836' N","78D 55.50946' W", 3.8, 3678, (0, 0, 0), 100, "N", 73.2, 35, 63, "OK", 3.7, 23.8),
([0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"35D56.000836' N","78D 55.50946' W", 3.8, 3678, (0, 0, 0), 100, "N", 73.2, 35, 63, "OK", 3.7, 23.8),
([0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"35D56.000836' N","78D 55.50946' W", 3.8, 3678, (0, 0, 0), 100, "N", 73.2, 35, 63, "OK", 3.7, 23.8),
([0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"35D56.000836' N","78D 55.50946' W", 3.8, 3678, (0, 0, 0), 100, "N", 73.2, 35, 63, "OK", 3.7, 23.8)
        data = dataA[0]
        e.text("Atria",         770+59,y*1,font_size=18)#9,12,18,24
        e.text("SouthPoint",    770   ,y*2,font_size=18)#9,12,18,24
        e.text("Walk",          770+63,y*3,font_size=18)
        e.text("Idle Seconds:", 770+3,y*5,font_size=9)
        e.text("Speed:",        770+3,y*6,font_size=9)
        e.text("Inclination:",  770+3,y*7,font_size=9)
        e.text("Direction:",    770+3,y*8,font_size=9)
        e.text("Temperature:",  770+3,y*9,font_size=9)
        e.text("AQI:",          770+3,y*10,font_size=9)
        e.text("Rel Humid:",    770+3,y*11,font_size=9)
        e.text("Fecal/Urine:",  770+3,y*12,font_size=9)
        e.text("Sensor Battery",770+3,y*13,font_size=9)
        e.text("Motor Battery", 770+3,y*14,font_size=9)
        #print(txt,len(txt),range(len(txt)) )
        #print("A",txt[0],"B", txt[1],"C", txt[2],"D", txt[3])
        for i in range(0,len(txt)):
            e.text(str(txt[i]), 960-4-13*len(txt)+i*13, y*5 ,font_size=12)
        for i in range(0,len(str(data[5]))):
            e.text(str(data[5])[i], 960-4-13*len(str(data[5]))+i*13, y*6 ,font_size=12)
        for i in range(0,len(str(data[6]))):
            e.text(str(data[6])[i], 960-4-13*len(str(data[6]))+i*13, y*7 ,font_size=12)
        for i in range(0,len(str(data[7]))):
            e.text(str(data[7])[i], 960-4-13*len(str(data[7]))+i*13, y*8 ,font_size=12)
        for i in range(0,len(str(data[8]))):
            e.text(str(data[8])[i], 960-4-13*len(str(data[8]))+i*13, y*9 ,font_size=12)
        for i in range(0,len(str(data[9]))):
            e.text(str(data[9])[i], 960-4-13*len(str(data[9]))+i*13, y*10 ,font_size=12)
        for i in range(0,len(str(data[10]))):
            e.text(str(data[10])[i], 960-4-13*len(str(data[10]))+i*13, y*11 ,font_size=12)
        for i in range(0,len(str(data[11]))):
            e.text(str(data[11])[i], 960-4-13*len(str(data[11]))+i*13, y*12 ,font_size=12)
        for i in range(0,len(str(data[12]))):
            e.text(str(data[12])[i], 960-4-13*len(str(data[12]))+i*13, y*13 ,font_size=12)
        for i in range(0,len(str(data[13]))):
            e.text(str(data[13])[i], 960-4-13*len(str(data[13]))+i*13, y*14 ,font_size=12)
        e.bitmap(buffer, 770, 0, 189, 540)
    #    print("The current parser is not micropython")
gddeen commented 2 years ago

20220921_101215 20220921_103349

lbuque commented 2 years ago

The ghosted image problem, we have not yet found the cause.

2 has been mentioned

sandzco commented 2 years ago

Can you provide the or epd.mpy(just like you have provided the file)? I am unable to get the EPD47() class from anywhere else.

Can the micropython firmware be provided for EPD47 just like the "Xinyuan-LilyGO/LilyGo-eink-v2.3-micropython" ? This makes it easy for students and alike to quickly implement their ideas. or providing the will allow them to copy the EPD47() library on to devices running the default ESP32-micropython.bin

johnongit commented 1 year ago

Did you find the root cause ? I've same issue.

lbuque commented 1 year ago


Can you provide the or epd.mpy(just like you have provided the file)?

The or epd.mpy file cannot be provided, because the epd module needs to be implemented in c.

Can the micropython firmware be provided for EPD47 just like the "Xinyuan-LilyGO/LilyGo-eink-v2.3-micropython" ?

You can get the latest firmware at the github action.

johnongit commented 1 year ago

Hello @lbuque What is the difference between T5 4.7 and T5 4.7 plus ?

lbuque commented 1 year ago

@johnongit T5 4.7 plus uses esp32-s3 with better performance. You can get details about the T5-4.7 Plus on AliExpress.

neilfrndes commented 1 year ago

@lbuque is there an update for the ghosting issue?

DooMMasteR commented 1 year ago

Yeah I am also seeing this issue when using this library

hengying commented 1 year ago

You can get the latest firmware at the github action.

The link is expired, where can I download the latest firmware?

The firmware under this is old:

adetauriac commented 1 year ago


I just recieved T5 4.7 (not plus, error during my choice), I try to compile the framework, but I've issue with cmake. I try the old fimeware :, same result with "gosted" on text

epd47.text("test 2", 30,30)

Someone have better version of binary ?

Update : I've found : (3 month ago) I flash my device (version : MicroPython 5c6bc77 on 2023-02-22; T5-4.7 (spiram) with ESP32 ), but the ghosted image is always present :-(


bkircher67 commented 1 year ago

Hello, I've finally managed to build the .bin-file for my T5-4.7 - but I see the same ghosting problem - but in contrary to to provided bin-file ( the e.bitmap(buffer ... cmd works without crashing!! Are there any updates planed?