Xiphe / remix-island

utils to render remix into a dom-node instead of the whole document
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SEO meta tags are being duplicated when using dynamic data #12

Open nir2002 opened 12 months ago

nir2002 commented 12 months ago

I built https://otterize.com/ using MDX files for page configuration, seo data, blog posts, etc. The meta function for each page is using the loader data (coming from MDX) and set the title and meta tags using it. a few days ago I installed remix-island solution and since then the meta tags are being duplicated, leaving the first title visible (the first page) unless refreshing

I compared my remix-island solution to 3 more project I have with Remix, all work perfect, the difference is that this is the only project I'm using the loader data for the meta functions (using the data parameter)

Any idea? Its also worth to mention that this is not happening on local development, it only do on production. Also, I found a bug very similar in this GitHub issue: https://github.com/remix-run/remix/issues/1028

Thank you 🙏

Xiphe commented 11 months ago

Hm... this should not happen indeed.

Unfortunately I'm not really able to reproduce the issue, you explicitly mention mdx files, do you suspect it has something to do with those?

It would help me a ton if you could provide help on how to reproduce this.