Closed Alje001 closed 2 years ago
Hi, in order to be able to help you out, you need to provide more information, including the version of the plugin being used. The best would be to make a small/simple proof-of-concept code and share it, for example in a temporary github repo.
@bitcoder thank you for your response
I am using gradle with junit and I prepared a demo to show you the error:
`plugins { id 'java' id 'org.gradle.test-retry' version '1.4.0' }
group 'demo.test' version '1.0-SNAPSHOT'
wrapper() { gradleVersion = '7.5.1' distributionUrl = "${gradleVersion}" }
repositories { mavenCentral() }
dependencies { testImplementation 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api:5.9.0' testImplementation 'app.getxray:xray-junit-extensions:0.6.1' } test { dependsOn.cleanTestresult ignoreFailures = true retry { failOnPassedAfterRetry = false maxFailures = 10 maxRetries = 1 } useJUnitPlatform() //maxParallelForks = Runtime.runtime.availableProcessors().intdiv(2) ?: 1 }
task cleanTestresult { delete "${rootDir}/target/xray/junit-results/" }`
Junit Tests
`package demo;
import app.getxray.xray.junit.customjunitxml.XrayTestReporterParameterResolver; import app.getxray.xray.junit.customjunitxml.annotations.Requirement; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestInstance; import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith;
@TestInstance(TestInstance.Lifecycle.PER_CLASS) @ExtendWith(XrayTestReporterParameterResolver.class) public class DemoTest {
@Requirement({ "ID-45" })
public void firstTest(){
@Requirement({ "ID-45" })
public void secondTest(){
Under this path \resources\META-INF\services I created theFile org.junit.platform.launcher.TestExecutionListener with this value
I am also using to define result name and target path.
report_directory=target/xray/junit-results report_filename=JunitXrayReport
When I put add_timestamp_to_report_filename=true I am getting this error :
Sep. 13, 2022 4:50:10 NACHM. org.junit.platform.launcher.core.CompositeTestExecutionListener lambda$notifyEach$19 WARNING: TestExecutionListener [app.getxray.xray.junit.customjunitxml.EnhancedLegacyXmlReportGeneratingListener] threw exception for method: executionFinished(TestIdentifier [uniqueId = [engine:junit-jupiter], parentId = null, displayName = 'JUnit Jupiter', legacyReportingName = 'JUnit Jupiter', source = null, tags = [], type = CONTAINER], TestExecutionResult [status = SUCCESSFUL, throwable = null]) java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <:> at index 29: JunitXrayReport-2022_09_13_16:50:10_098.xml
The path was not valid and can't be created.
My goal is to use parallel execution of junit test using the following code
maxParallelForks = Runtime.runtime.availableProcessors().intdiv(2) ?: 1
But it looks like that the result was always overwritten. Therefore I was hopping that using add_timestamp_to_report_filename=true would solve the issue.
Would you please support me resolving this issue.
I don't know how maxParallelForks
works and affects the Junit xml report generation.
Can you try running and adapting this code to see if we figure out the cause?
note: the previous code is referred on the Gradle tutorial on Xray doc site:
I've picked the example I mentioned, and changed the build.gradle to
test {
maxParallelForks = Runtime.runtime.availableProcessors() //.intdiv(2) ?: 1
reports {
// destination = file('build/test-results/folder')
junitXml.required = true
html.required = false
ignoreFailures = true
I've also changed `src/test/resources/` to:
Then I ran gradle clean test
and a file was generated with all the 5 test results:
$ ls reports/
$ fgrep -c "<testcase" reports/JunitXrayReport-2022_09_13_16\:56\:19_587.xml
So, I'm unable to replicate your problem. Can you please try to replicate it on top of that code for example?
@bitcoder This is great. I think that the issue is the dateformat see my error: Sep. 13, 2022 6:43:01 NACHM. org.junit.platform.launcher.core.CompositeTestExecutionListener lambda$notifyEach$19 WARNING: TestExecutionListener [app.getxray.xray.junit.customjunitxml.EnhancedLegacyXmlReportGeneratingListener] threw exception for method: executionFinished(TestIdentifier [uniqueId = [engine:junit-jupiter], parentId = null, displayName = 'JUnit Jupiter', legacyReportingName = 'JUnit Jupiter', source = null, tags = [], type = CONTAINER], TestExecutionResult [status = SUCCESSFUL, throwable = null]) java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <:> at index 29: JunitXrayReport-2022_09_13_18:43:01_127.xml
my os doesn't like this file name JunitXrayReport-2022_09_13_18:43:01_127.xml. How can I change the dateformat?
I think that if date is 2022_09_13_18_43_01_127 I wouldn't face this issue.
Currently you can't. Which OS and OS version do you have exactly?
I am using Windows 10 and windows doesn't like this format because of this char ':'
Thank you for the support:)
I have a issue using the following config value add_timestamp_to_report_filename When I put add_timestamp_to_report_filename=true, I'm not getting the xml file anymore. would you please support?