Xujiayao / Discord-MC-Chat

Discord-MC-Chat (DMCC), formerly known as MC-Discord-Chat and MCDiscordChat (MCDC), is a practical and powerful Fabric and Quilt Minecraft <> Discord chat bridge inspired by BRForgers/DisFabric
MIT License
63 stars 36 forks source link

[Bug] Achievements don't show up on Discord. #170

Closed SurroundedByThings closed 1 year ago

SurroundedByThings commented 1 year ago


Java Version

Minecraft Version


MCDiscordChat Version



I was testing that this bot worked perfectly before I let my friends join my server. I tried to see if advancements showed up on Discord. It did not. They showed up on Minecraft, but not on Discord. I am using Blaze and Caves Advancements Pack, which adds custom advancements to the game. I have used this bot before on a server without Blaze and Caves and the advancements show up, That may be why advancement messages aren't showing up on Discord. If this is the case, can you please confirm that it is and if there is a way I can make it work with Blaze and Caves. Thank you!

To Reproduce

Have Blaze and Caves Advancements Pack installed. Do something that will give you an advancement, like getting a diamond.




{ "generic": { "language": "en_us", "botToken": "", "botPlayingStatus": "SMP (%onlinePlayerCount%/%maxPlayerCount%)", "botListeningStatus": "", "useWebhook": false, "channelId": "", "consoleLogChannelId": "", "updateNotificationChannelId": "", "useUuidInsteadOfName": false, "avatarApi": "https://mc-heads.net/avatar/%player%.png", "broadcastPlayerCommandExecution": false, "broadcastSlashCommandExecution": false, "announceServerStartStop": true, "announcePlayerJoinLeave": true, "announceDeathMessages": true, "announceAdvancements": true, "broadcastChatMessages": true, "formatChatMessages": false, "allowedMentions": [ "everyone", "users", "roles" ], "useServerNickname": true, "discordNewlineLimit": 3, "announceHighMspt": false, "msptCheckInterval": 5000, "msptLimit": 50, "notifyUpdates": false, "mentionAdminsForUpdates": false, "updateChannelTopic": false, "channelTopicUpdateInterval": 600000, "shutdownImmediately": false, "excludedCommands": [ "/msg", "/tell", "/tellraw", "/w" ], "adminsIds": [] }, "multiServer": { "enable": false, "host": "", "port": 5000, "name": "SMP", "botIds": [] }, "customMessage": { "unformattedResponseMessage": "", "unformattedChatMessage": "", "unformattedOtherMessage": "", "unformattedCommandNotice": "", "formattedResponseMessage": "[{\"text\":\" ┌──── \",\"bold\":true,\"color\":\"gold\"},{\"text\":\"<%name%> \",\"bold\":false,\"color\":\"dark_aqua\"},{\"text\":\"%message%\",\"bold\":false,\"color\":\"gray\"}]", "formattedChatMessage": "[{\"text\":\"[%server%] \",\"bold\":true,\"color\":\"blue\"},{\"text\":\"<%name%> \",\"bold\":false,\"color\":\"aqua\"},{\"text\":\"%message%\",\"bold\":false,\"color\":\"white\"}]", "formattedOtherMessage": "[{\"text\":\"[%server%] \",\"bold\":true,\"color\":\"blue\"},{\"text\":\"%message%\",\"bold\":false,\"color\":\"gray\"}]", "formattedCommandNotice": "", "serverStarted": ":white_check_mark: The server has started!", "serverStopped": ":octagonal_sign: The server has stopped!", "joinServer": ":door: %playerName% joined the server", "leftServer": ":door: %playerName% left the server", "deathMessage": ":headstone: %deathMessage%", "advancementTask": ":trophy: %playerName% has made the advancement [%advancement%]", "advancementGoal": ":trophy: %playerName% has reached the goal [%advancement%]", "advancementChallenge": ":trophy: %playerName% has completed the challenge [%advancement%]", "highMspt": "", "offlineChannelTopic": "", "onlineChannelTopic": "", "onlineChannelTopicForMultiServer": "" }, "latestVersion": "2.2.0", "latestCheckTime": 1688551542787 }

Xujiayao commented 1 year ago

Hi. Please search existing issues before opening a new one, thanks. Solution here:


SurroundedByThings commented 1 year ago

Thank you! And sorry I did not see that when searching for it. I'll close the issue.