YARAHQ / yara-forge

Automated YARA Rule Standardization and Quality Assurance Tool
GNU General Public License v3.0
154 stars 12 forks source link

Suggestion of other known Yara repositories #2

Open mlodic opened 9 months ago

mlodic commented 9 months ago


first all of all thank you very much for this project, this is really something super useful! :)

I am the author and maintainer of a project known as IntelOwl where we embedded a list of known Yara rule repositories. In IntelOwl the users can analyze their files with these embedded rules, without having the hassle to extract and manage these rules by hand.

Excluding the Yara Community Repository that I get it is too noisy, these are the other repositories that I included in IntelOwl and that are not included in yara-forge:

I would like to ask you whether you have already evaluated them or not. I hope it helps.

Keep up the great work! :) Matteo

Neo23x0 commented 9 months ago

Hi @mlodic,

I think I looked at most or all of these repos and didn't include them because they contained rules that have a high impact on performance like this one by @embee-research:

Screenshot 2023-12-20 at 08 05 04

I think the base64 regex isn't even necessary to successfully detect the threat.

or look risky and I don't know if my yaraQA checks would catch it, like this one

Screenshot 2023-12-20 at 08 17 37

I like his other rules but some are really scary. I will try to integrate them on a separate branch and see if my yaraQA script can take care of the inefficient and risky rules.


embee-research commented 9 months ago

hey @Neo23x0, there are definitely questionable rules in my main yara repo. The repo purpose was more for learning and as a demonstration for learners of what “could” be included in a yara.

In saying that, I believe there are some good and reasonably performant rules in there.

If I can move the “good” rules over into a separate repo, would you be open to including them into yara forge?

Neo23x0 commented 9 months ago

Hi @embee-research,

Yes, I've seen the other good rules. I really like the work you do. I already did the following:

  1. included your repo in a PR that'll add more repos to YARA Forge : https://github.com/YARAHQ/yara-forge/pull/3/files
  2. sent you a PR to fix some issues upstream : https://github.com/embee-research/Yara-detection-rules/pull/3

The yaraQA quality checks will do the rest and move rules with issues out of the "core" set into the "full" set.

I'll also do some false positive checks with the rules of these three (or more) new repos today.

Neo23x0 commented 9 months ago

@mlodic : I looked at the second repo by @elceef and saw this:

Screenshot 2023-12-21 at 09 13 20

I believe that people who extensively use regex have no idea how much faster string matching would be. I'm going to rewrite that rule for you to see what I mean.

rule OLE2_AutoOpen_Reversed_Payload
        description = "Detects suspiciously reversed payloads in OLE2 objects with auto-open macros"
        author = "marcin@ulikowski.pl"
        date = "2021-12-01"
        modified = "2023-12-21"

        $auto_open1 = /(auto|document|workbook)_?close/ wide ascii nocase
        $auto_open2 = /(auto|document|workbook)_?open/ wide ascii nocase

        $s_http1 = "//:ptth" wide ascii
        $s_http2 = "//:sptth" wide ascii
        $s_programdata1 = "\\ataDmargorP\\\\:C" wide ascii nocase
        $s_programdata2 = "\\ataDmargorP\\:C" wide ascii nocase
        $s_windows1 = "\\swodniW\\\\:C" wide ascii nocase
        $s_windows2 = "\\swodniW\\:C" wide ascii nocase

        uint32be(0) == 0xd0cf11e0
        and filesize < 1MB
        and 1 of ($auto_open*)
        and 1 of ($s*)

here as well : It's better to have two regular expressions, each of them with a solid and long anchor, instead of two variations inside of the brackets.

Screenshot 2023-12-21 at 10 31 04
Neo23x0 commented 9 months ago

@intezer is freaking me out with that private rule stuff, which makes rule handling a pain in the ###

Screenshot 2023-12-21 at 10 34 41

It's so .... unnecessary. I won't include the rules unless someone reworks this and makes every rule stand on its own, which shouldn't be a problem.

Neo23x0 commented 9 months ago

And then the unnecessary use of the ELF module, like in this example in @stratosphereips repo:


Importing "elf" has a huge impact on performance. We told the guys from ReversingLabs about a similar issue earlier this year and they took some measurements: https://github.com/reversinglabs/reversinglabs-yara-rules/pull/6

Neo23x0 commented 9 months ago

and the @inquest rules contained things like this:

Screenshot 2023-12-21 at 11 14 41 Screenshot 2023-12-21 at 11 15 30

Maybe I'll include them at a later stage, when I'm sure that my yaraQA tool would catch these things and sort those rules out.

mlodic commented 8 months ago

thank you very much for your analysis, very appreciated :)

If you are ok with that, I'll integrate this project in IntelOwl so the people using that tool can easily leverage your work here.

Neo23x0 commented 8 months ago

No problem at all