Modify this to store a complete Point Feature in this position to mirror a waypoint entry. The only difference between a standalone waypoint marker entry and this copy will be the presence of the gpxx_routepointextension coordinate array.
"geometry" : {
"coordinates" : [
"name" : "Unnamed",
"properties" : {
"cmt" : "This is a comment about the Deal's Gap Start Point",
"name" : "Deals Gap Start"
"link" : [
"href" : " "
"desc" : "This is a test of the deals gap start waypoint",
"extensions" : {
"gpxx_routepointextension" : [
Currently, an abbreviated properties object is included as the fourth position in the route coordinates array.
This is proving to be inconvenient.
Modify this to store a complete Point Feature in this position to mirror a waypoint entry. The only difference between a standalone waypoint marker entry and this copy will be the presence of the gpxx_routepointextension coordinate array.