I'm trying to build TetWild on Windows 10 but I cannot get it working.
cmake for Windows runs fine without errors.
The problem seems to be located in libTetWild.
Building as win32 target:
1>Unknown compiler version - please run the configure tests and report the results
1>D:\21_Git\TetWild\extern\libigl\external\cgal\Installation\lib\cmake\CGAL\..\..\..\..\Number_types\include\CGAL/Mpzf.h(74): warning C4163: '_BitScanForward64': not available as an intrinsic function (compiling source file D:\21_Git\TetWild\src\tetwild\BSPSubdivision.cpp)
Building as x64 target:
1>x64\Release\BSPSubdivision.obj : fatal error LNK1112: module machine type 'x64' conflicts with target machine type 'x86'
Managed to build it. Needed to modify the individual "Project Properties". Culprit was the setting C/C++ --> Code Generation --> Runtime Library. Changed from /MT to /MD
I'm trying to build TetWild on Windows 10 but I cannot get it working.
for Windows runs fine without errors.The problem seems to be located in libTetWild.
Building as win32 target:
Building as x64 target:
Any pointer would be highly appreciated