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Slow performance issues with editor after 3.0 upgrade #3448

Closed nuaadvisors closed 8 years ago

nuaadvisors commented 8 years ago

I realize that when trying something new, bugs and unexpected events can happen. However with this new "upgrade", my wordpress page editor runs extremely slow. The kind of slow that would happen when you try to run windows 10 on a commodore 64. Any editing has a visible lag and when editing a page with a lot of content creates a VERY annoying visible lag. I think I had to wait 15 seconds for the page to catch up just so I could change one letter. This is ridiculous.

Prior top the "upgrade" I loved the plugin. It was great. there was no need to provide instant gratification of whether a page passed or not. Seriously... does anyone need instant gratification in this regards? I assume someone likes this upgrade so can you either remove the instant gratification part where it gives you yellow or green light instantly, or give us the option to remove it. I HATE IT. Sorry for shouting, but I cannot express my annoyance to this new upgrade enough.

If this visible lag is not fixed, I will have to move to another plugin that does not slow down my WP editor.

Oh and for reference, I have a gaming computer which has specs that never had a lag for even the most elaborate gaming experiences, so it is not my computer.

I would like to continue to use Yoast SEO, but unless this is addressed, I will be changing. I cannot waste this kind of time waiting for my screen to catch up. thanks

Rarst commented 8 years ago

This is not a normal behaviour. Text analysis should work sufficiently fast and I hadn't noticed any lag so far using it myself.

What is your browser and version? Could you try in another one?

Could you please try disabling other plugins and switch to a default theme? It might conflict with something else running.

Flipps82 commented 8 years ago

Hello, I have the same problem. Browser: Firefox and Chrome (latest version) I have disabled all other plugins, the text editor was still very slow.

I can´t switch to an other theme, my site is online with many users on it. But my theme is a modified original wordpress theme.

thanks Phil

mudderguide commented 8 years ago

Hi guys,

I tried to answer your questions to help you fix the problem:

  1. Does the problem occur on every edit page of the same post type? If not, it might be something specific in the content that is "causing" the slowdown. --> only on special very long pages Please note:  Length of the content. --> 3240 words  If there are a lot of shortcodes in use. --> 5-6  Use of images, links. --> yes, normal according to the word count  Use of other fields than the content field (for example excerpt or featured image).--> nope  Language in which the content is written. -->German

• Does the problem also occur on edit pages of other post types? --> yes, if they have a similar length • Does the problem occur immediately after the page is loaded or does the page become slower over time? --> immediately • Does the problem only occur when editing specific fields on the page? --> the content field • Does the problem also occur when Yoast SEO is the only plugin active? --> yes

thiloroe commented 8 years ago

Same problem here. After the update, the editor is extremely slow und unresponsive, letters can't keep up with my writing speed - it's extremely annoying. The problem goes away immediately if I delete the focus keyword so I can confirm that it has to do with the Yoast SEO Plugin. Additional info: The problem occurs on every post with an added focus keyword. The longer the content, the slower the response. Content language is German. The text in the editor is usually about 1500 words long with a lot of links and about 4 or 5 shortcodes usually, but no pictures. Other textfields (created by ACF) behave normally. Only the main editor shows this behaviour.

tacoverdo commented 8 years ago

For everyone who hadn't seen these questions yet, please answer those to help us troubleshoot.

We have created a form for easier collection of data on this issue.

thiloroe commented 8 years ago

Am 27.11.2015 um 11:22 schrieb Taco Verdonschot notifications@github.com:

For everyone who hadn't seen these questions yet, please answer those to help us troubleshoot.

Does the problem occur on every edit page of the same post type? Yes. If not, it might be something specific in the content that is "causing" the slowdown. Please note: Length of the content. If there are a lot of shortcodes in use. Use of images, links. Use of other fields than the content field (for example excerpt or featured image). Language in which the content is written. Does the problem also occur on edit pages of other post types? Only have one post type. Does the problem occur immediately after the page is loaded or does the page become slower over time? Immediately. Does the problem only occur when editing specific fields on the page? Occurs only in the main edit window. Other Wysiwyg windows (created by ACF) don’t show the problem. Does the problem also occur when Yoast SEO is the only plugin active? Can’t test this because other plugins are needed. (It’s a live site).

Rarst commented 8 years ago

Trying out with long text (12K words, I quadrupled reported ballpark) I notice some subjective slowdown, but not the "unresponsive" point or script hanging as reported in similar issue. On other hand I have high-spec desktop with powerful CPU.

This might require some JS-specific profiling to determine how performance scales with text size. :\ Not my area so don't know how to go about that myself.

Rarst commented 8 years ago

Trying out shortcodes — 5 galleries of 40+ images in a post. Does slow editor to a crawl! This might be the reason.

Anyone experiencing slowdowns with just text post, no shortcodes in it?

thiloroe commented 8 years ago

It has nothing to do with CPU performance. Working on a maxed out new MacBook Pro. Activity Monitor doesn’t show high CPU usage. But Typing slows down to 2 character per second…

thiloroe commented 8 years ago

I just tested it with a 1600 word post. Same problem also without shortcodes.

Switching off JavaScript remedies the problem - unsurprisingly. As does deleting the focus keyword.

Flipps82 commented 8 years ago

Does the problem occur on every edit page of the same post type? Yes

If not, it might be something specific in the content that is "causing" the slowdown. Please note: Length of the content. about 2000 - 3000 words

If there are a lot of shortcodes in use. about 6 - 8 shortcodes

Use of images, links. yes, about 10 - 15 images and about 10 - 20 links

Use of other fields than the content field (for example excerpt or featured image). yes, we use featured image

Language in which the content is written. german

Does the problem also occur on edit pages of other post types? yes, the problem occurs on all pages

Does the problem occur immediately after the page is loaded or does the page become slower over time? immediately

Does the problem only occur when editing specific fields on the page? occurs only in the main edit field, other textfields created by ACF don´t show the problem

Does the problem also occur when Yoast SEO is the only plugin active? yes

Rarst commented 8 years ago

@thiloroe could you please provide a specific text if possible? Probably too much to post inline here, but if it's public/online or if you could please https://gist.github.com it.

thiloroe commented 8 years ago


Rarst commented 8 years ago

@thiloroe thank you! Alas, copy/pasting that content into a new post does not produce even a slight slowdown for me. I suspect it might be conflict with another script running, rather than straight performance issue in your specific case.

thiloroe commented 8 years ago

@Rarst Nothing unusual running though according to timeline. Don't know much about JavaScript though...

monbauza commented 8 years ago

Customer of conversation # 86693 provided the following feedback:


thiloroe commented 8 years ago

Any ideas how to solve this problem? If not, I'd much rather go back to the previous version...

lkraav commented 8 years ago

@Rarst my agencies are also experiencing this issue when working on lengthy posts and I just got confirmation that emptying the "focus keyword" field is a successful workaround. Thanks @thiloroe

JoeDusel commented 8 years ago

I am running Version 3.0.4. The problem is worst using IE and Firefox. Chrome seems to deal with it.

• Does the problem occur on every edit page of the same post type? ○ If not, it might be something specific in the content that is "causing" the slowdown. Please note: § Length of the content. long § If there are a lot of shortcodes in use. No § Use of images, links. http://otisnow.com/blood-lab-related-news-2015/ § Use of other fields than the content field (for example excerpt or featured image). § Language in which the content is written. English • Does the problem also occur on edit pages of other post types? No • Does the problem occur immediately after the page is loaded or does the page become slower over time? Immediately • Does the problem only occur when editing specific fields on the page? Problem occurs when a section is copied. When you then try to paste it temporarily freezes up, leading to a script error. SCRIPT5007: Unable to get property 'match' of undefined or null reference wp-seo-post-scraper-302.min.js (1,7999).

jQuery(document).on("ajaxComplete",function(a,b){null!==b.responseText.match("Permalink:")&&(YoastSEO.app.callbacks.getData(),YoastSEO.app.runAnalyzer(),YoastSEO.app.snippetPreview.reRender())}),jQuery(document) • Does the problem also occur when Yoast SEO is the only plugin active? Yes

nuaadvisors commented 8 years ago

FYI There are quite a few other people in a certain large blogging community who have not commented, but it is universally agreed upon that this lag is a consistent problem throughout different computers, browsers, setups, etc. The main problem is that the length determines the lag. i.e. 1000 words is less lag than 10k words. Writing over 3k words in the editor is next to impossible with the serious lag.

-Does the problem occur on every edit page of the same post type?-


-Length of the content.

500-10k words

-If there are a lot of shortcodes in use.-

No short codes in use

-Use of images, links.-

yes images and links, but minimal use. some pages with a lot more images and links and operating at a similar speed.

-Use of other fields than the content field (for example excerpt or featured image).-

no excerpts

-Language in which the content is written.-


-Does the problem also occur on edit pages of other post types?- it happens on every page or post that works with Yoast.

-Does the problem occur immediately after the page is loaded or does the page become slower over time?-

It happens as soon as the words are entered, cut and pasted in, or edited. there is no difference. it is the amount of words on the page that is slowing down word press

-Does the problem only occur when editing specific fields on the page?-

Every field that is affected by yoast is a problem.

-Does the problem also occur when Yoast SEO is the only plugin active?-

It is 100% yoast that is the problem, not other plugins or yoast's interaction with other plugins. It is clearly the usage of javascript to do a task that is not necessary to be done instantly. Yoast SEO was fine before. There was not need for instant gratification to know instantly whether the page was orange or green. It was a completely unnecessary update. I don't see any of these updates as upgrades.

Can someone tell me how I can go back to the old version of Yoast?

gioxx commented 8 years ago
Does the problem occur on every edit page of the same post type? // YES
    If not, it might be something specific in the content that is "causing" the slowdown. Please note:
        Length of the content. // 500-2000 words
        If there are a lot of shortcodes in use. // NO
        Use of images, links. // YES
        Use of other fields than the content field (for example excerpt or featured image). // NO
        Language in which the content is written. // ITALIAN
Does the problem also occur on edit pages of other post types? // EVERYWHERE (IF Yoast is enabled)
Does the problem occur immediately after the page is loaded or does the page become slower over time? // AFTER about 300 words (for new posts, immediatly on older posts).
Does the problem only occur when editing specific fields on the page?  // EVERY FIELDS
Does the problem also occur when Yoast SEO is the only plugin active? // YES (staging installation)

Version 2.3.5: https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/wordpress-seo.2.3.5.zip

shareyourrepair commented 8 years ago

I'm experiencing the same problem and this is TERRIBLE. I cannot use Yoast at all and will need to indefinitely disable it because it makes WordPress completely useless for me. Here's my answers to the questions:

Does the problem occur on every edit page of the same post type? Yes, so far If not, it might be something specific in the content that is "causing" the slowdown. Please note: Length of the content. 2,300 words If there are a lot of shortcodes in use. None, I've never used shortcodes Use of images, links. about 25 images and about 25 links Use of other fields than the content field (for example excerpt or featured image). I do use a featured image Language in which the content is written. English Does the problem also occur on edit pages of other post types? I only have one post type, the standard post Does the problem occur immediately after the page is loaded or does the page become slower over time? It starts fine but very quickly causes the cursor to come to a craw and then almost unresponsive Does the problem only occur when editing specific fields on the page? NO Does the problem also occur when Yoast SEO is the only plugin active? I cannot test this but I do have other plugins active. It DOES NOT do it when Yoast is inactive though, that I know for sure.

jaybna commented 8 years ago

Same problem. All posts impacted. Editors very upset. http://styleblueprint.com

AskKim commented 8 years ago

Premium customer in support ticket # 87003 has completed our slowness questionairre and would be an ideal ticket to further troubleshoot. I have temporarily sent this ticket to second line in case we need it.

I am on version 3.0.4 version of WP. All caches have been cleared. Length of the content. The lag occurs on pages with a lot of text. Is there a max recommended word county for the yoast plugin to not create a lag? If there are a lot of shortcodes in use. I don't use shortcodes. Use of images, links. My file sizes are generally small. Is there a max recommended total image file size for the yoast plugin to not create a lag? Use of other fields than the content field (for example excerpt or featured image). I don't use a featured image on many pages that have this slow editing issue. Language in which the content is written. English. Does the problem also occur on edit pages of other post types? I don't understand what you mean. It occurs on pages and posts with a long word count. 3k words or more. Does the problem occur immediately after the page is loaded or does the page become slower over time? Occurs when I go to edit pages that I've written. Does the problem only occur when editing specific fields on the page? Occurs just when I edit the content of the page/post Does the problem also occur when Yoast SEO is the only plugin active? Yes. When I disable the yoast seo plugin , there is no lag

I also wanted to mention that I have had the Yoast plugin for 5 years or so now and this lag issue never used to happen.

This is a continuation of my prior email. When I use a different browser, Microsoft explorer most recent version, I can't even edit a post after up to a minute or so like http://www.justinziegler.net/florida-injury-claims-against-state-farm-auto-insurance/ because is says "can't edit due to long running script" or something to that effect. Yet when I disable the yoast premium seo plugin it works fine.

silvanoo commented 8 years ago

Does the problem occur on every edit page of the same post type? Yes If not, it might be something specific in the content that is "causing" the slowdown. Please note: . Length of the content. Characters: 95000 Characters with spaces: 10100 If there are a lot of shortcodes in use. Yes: visual composer Use of images, links. yes Use of other fields than the content field (for example excerpt or featured image). no Language in which the content is written. english Does the problem also occur on edit pages of other post types? yes Does the problem occur immediately after the page is loaded or does the page become slower over time? After loading the page content in the editor the page is fast. After Yoast is loaded, the page is slow. After typing characters that takes 5 seconds per character, i noticed that yoast is continuously updating. So after typing or changing fields, the yoast plugin slows down the page. Does the problem only occur when editing specific fields on the page? Main content field Does the problem also occur when Yoast SEO is the only plugin active? Yes.

danemorgan commented 8 years ago

Does the problem occur on every edit page of the same post type? - No, only on those with more than ~ 2000 words

If not, it might be something specific in the content that is "causing" the slowdown. Please note: Length of the content. - ~ 2000 words or more

If there are a lot of shortcodes in use. - No Happens on posts with only one or two shortcode ane even with none

Use of images, links. - 1-2 images on a page not counting feature image being set.

Use of other fields than the content field (for example excerpt or featured image). - Excerpts not used, featured image, category and tags are in all cases.

Language in which the content is written. - English

Does the problem also occur on edit pages of other post types? - Only observed on posts at this point. We have no pages of that length.

Does the problem occur immediately after the page is loaded or does the page become slower over time? - immediate effect.

Does the problem only occur when editing specific fields on the page? - Only effects the visual editor box. HTML editor is unaffected.

Does the problem also occur when Yoast SEO is the only plugin active? - Yes

The ONLY thing that makes a difference is removing the focus keyword. The lag is there if we have a focus keyword and gone if we do not.

brianleejackson commented 8 years ago

Using latest Chrome Version 47.0.2526.80 m with latest WP 4.4.

Does the problem occur on every edit page of the same post type? Yes, it occurs on every page and post with Yoast enabled, across 7+ installations, across 3 different servers.

Length of the content. Always worst on long content, 1,700+ words.

If there are a lot of shortcodes in use. No shortcodes in use.

Use of images, links. Yes, images and links in content.

Use of other fields than the content field (for example excerpt or featured image). Featured images are used.

Language in which the content is written. English.

Does the problem also occur on edit pages of other post types? Happens on all types.

Does the problem occur immediately after the page is loaded or does the page become slower over time? Immediately after loaded.

Does the problem only occur when editing specific fields on the page? It all comes down to scanning of the "focus keyword." If no focus keyword is selected, editing is fine. Once you input focus keyword, brings editing to a slowdown.

Does the problem also occur when Yoast SEO is the only plugin active? Yes

Right now I am telling all clients, friends, etc... to rollback to 2.3.5 because I have replicated this problem on 3 different servers, 3 different providers, and even on fresh demo installs.

Hopefully that helps.

AskKim commented 8 years ago

From ticket # 91102 on 12-16-2015

In answer to your questions:-

1) It seems to occur more on the lengthy articles but was still slower than you would expect on very short articles or pages - nowhere near as slow as o the longer pieces though.

2) Images don't seem to make an difference.

3) The problem occurs on every type of page we have tested - posts, services and pages, etc.

4) The problem occurs immediately and doesn't become slower after the page has been loaded for any given time.

5) The problem only occurs when editing the SEO information but mostly when editing the key word information.

Patdundee commented 8 years ago

I have been asked by yoast to add the following to this ticket. Does the problem occur on every edit page of the same post type? YES If there are a lot of shortcodes in use. NO Use of images, links YES. Use of other fields than the content field (for example excerpt or featured image). NO Language in which the content is written. ENGLISH Does the problem also occur on edit pages of other post types? YES Does the problem occur immediately after the page is loaded or does the page become slower over time? IMMEDIATELY Does the problem only occur when editing specific fields on the page? ALL AREAS Does the problem also occur when Yoast SEO is the only plugin active? YES

This has been tested in the latest versions of the following browasers and all report the same issue (I.E. OPERA, SAFARI, CHROME, FIREFOX, MS EDGE)

WP Version 4.3 and 4.4 (Now all on 4.4) Linux based servers Using AVADA Theme v3.9

All sites now back on 2.3.5 as that works fine

Issues encountered

1) Slow editing 2) Page / post freezes 3) Script errors appear when editing any part of the page (Including Yoast) 4) Incorrect count of words in the post / page 5) Reports keyword is not in first paragraph when it is

All of the above occur from Yoast V3 all the way up to V3.0.6

I have attached a typical post page so you can see what it is reporting on when counting the words (It is including all the words inside the fusion code area)

Hope this helps P post.docx

georgehedley commented 8 years ago

I as well have been asked to provide more information about this ongoing issue:

Does the problem occur on every edit page of the same post type? Short posts with less shortcode/text/images etc: NO Medium posts with some shortcode/text/images etc: YES Long posts with lots of shortcode/text/images etc: YES

Keeping all things constant.

If there are a lot of shortcodes in use. YES

Use of images, links. YES (the more the worse lag)

Use of other fields than the content field (for example excerpt or featured image). NO (seems to be length of post related, this option doesn't have an affect, but may add overall, unsure.

Language in which the content is written. NO (English only)

Does the problem also occur on edit pages of other post types? NO, it appears to be posts not pages.

Does the problem occur immediately after the page is loaded or does the page become slower over time? Immediately after loading.

Does the problem only occur when editing specific fields on the page? NO, all fields

Does the problem also occur when Yoast SEO is the only plugin active? YES

Typical post with such errors: https://events.com.au/melbourne-cup-packages-tickets/


1) Slow or impossible editing within page builder assets and classic editing mode 2) Page freezes/script errors appear 3) Keyword inaccuracies

I can access all other area's of my dashboard with no problem, it just appears when editing posts.

Will follow this thread closely as this problem is directly affecting my business.

Regards, George

Patdundee commented 8 years ago

Hi Guys Further to my last post here is some additional info.

I have just tried V3.0.7 and the issues are still the same. I have rolled back to 2.3.5. Attached to this post are 3 images

1) Capture.jpg shows the script error (Makes no difference which option you choose it still keeps appearing)

2) Capture1.jpg shows the page analysis with V3.07

3) Capture2.jpg shows the page analysis when rolled back to 2.3.5

Hope these help

Kind regards Patrick capture capture1 capture2

eternalbeta commented 8 years ago

I am also seeing this issue. My theme uses a page builder, so there are a lot of shortcodes used. It does seem to be worse on pages with more information/sections, but it is present on all pages. It definitely is worse on pages with more than one focus keyword set.

acha5066 commented 8 years ago

Does the problem occur on every edit page of the same post type?


If not, it might be something specific in the content that is "causing" the slowdown. Please note: Length of the content. If there are a lot of shortcodes in use. Use of images, links. Use of other fields than the content field (for example excerpt or featured image). Language in which the content is written.

The posts that are especially slow are long, have lots of links. Language is english. No custom fields.

Does the problem also occur on edit pages of other post types?

Only on these pages that Yoast runs on. I have a job board post that is not affected.

Does the problem occur immediately after the page is loaded or does the page become slower over time?

The slowness seems to occur when typing lots of text, scrolling up or down, or when highlighting text and deleting it (there is a noticeable lag)

Does the problem only occur when editing specific fields on the page?

Only have one field. Main content area.

Does the problem also occur when Yoast SEO is the only plugin active?


thiloroe commented 8 years ago

The update to 3.07 resolved the issue for me.

Patdundee commented 8 years ago

Hi Guys I have tried 3.0.7 again Before i updated, i completed the following

On my browsers (Chrome and Firefox, both latest versions) I cleared out all cache and temp files from begining of time, Removed firefox and chrome completely from my system (including all system files and registry entries), Cleared all temp and cach on my system (Windows 10 Pro)

Re installed Chrome and Firefox

On a basic page with hardly any shortcode it worked fairly quickly

On a page with both more shortcode and a lot of shortcode I had errors

In Chrome it times out eventually and asks to either kill the script or wait

In firefox I get the error i posted earlier (yoast-seo-3.0.7.min.js error)

Would be nice to get this solved soon as I am waiting to put Yoast Premium on my sites to make use fo Multi Keyword

:) Many thanks Patrick

acha5066 commented 8 years ago

@thiloroe I am using 3.0.7 and am still experiencing issues.

mbaierl commented 8 years ago

Using the latest version I also experience performance issues. Reason being that on every keystroke an AJAX request (action:wpseo_filter_shortcodes) is sent to the server... including the full title. This is way too much data being sent and considerably hammering the server. And slowing down the editing experience. Please fix this to do the analysis only on saving the article or after I stopped typing for 10 seconds or something like that.

Right now: unusable.

Rarst commented 8 years ago

We have created a form for easier collection of data on this issue.

mbaierl commented 8 years ago

In the console I see an AJAX request on EVERY letter I type... these are a lot of ajax requests... which submit the FULL post content to the server on every letter. This is not smart!

Because it nails the server with requests. Because not every server is fast as hell or located in the same continent.

You might just wait until the user stops typing for a second or so. Or simple do whatever the script does on saving or on blur or something like that.

hellvy commented 8 years ago

Hi guys, the problem still persists. If it would help, get back to me at peter@olvecky.com and I'll create an account for you so that you can check for yourself. I had to disable your plugin on almost all sites I manage.

cleverleverage commented 8 years ago

This is becoming a crippling problem for any pages/posts with 5k-10k words in the editor. It simply renders the editor unusable because the delay is so long if you touch a single word/letter... Disable the plugin, all works perfectly and speedy as hell.

How can I disable the content analysis portion, so every time I type a new word it's not re-scanning the entire contents to recalculate?

(Additionally, most themes are utilizing their own shortcodes these days. Some of the content in the visual editor wrapped within [shortcode]H2, H3, etc..[/shortcode] isn't being picked up in the optimization analysis anyway, so would it be a good idea to be able to disable that altogether in the plugin settings?)

*Note - Temp solution that's working for me for those of you that don't want to disable the plugin and lose title and meta values sitewide - compose in word or external text editor, and copy paste. Still slow, but you can get it to publish. You will not be able to edit, so images and video embeds are a bit difficult, but doable for the time being.

acha5066 commented 8 years ago

If you remove the focus keyword for the page that should speed it up.

ghost commented 8 years ago

This is a massive issue. runAnalyzer function is getting called in recursive continuous loop causing the hangup. We need a fix for this immediately.

ghost commented 8 years ago

Is there a way to make it so the analysis only occurs when "update" is pressed on a post? I don't need real time analysis every time enter or delete anything. This would solve the problem for a very large percentage of people using yoast.

berengerzyla commented 8 years ago

That's amazing. This issue has been here for the past 3 months, and nothing happened yet?! Also, a quick word about the shortcodes, which are also unusable since v3. Would a serious programmer make an AJAX call on every keystroke? No. But you decided to! Really?! Throttle or debounce your calls, at least. :o :-1:

accurate commented 8 years ago

Yup, had to disable plugin until issue can be resolved. Not ideal and client is definitely not happy about this.

Any post/custom post type edit/add new is incredibly slow, Query Monitor shows database connection error with Yoast SEO. Not sure what it's trying to do beyond that, but it's taking about 130 seconds to accomplish this. Perhaps too many posts since it looks like it might be trying to grab all posts? All posts/custom post type total more than 2000.

Rarst commented 8 years ago

Followed up on this a bit and there should have been some fixes to performance released as part of version 3.1. Keeping this open as there are still recent reports of unresolved performance issues.

brianleejackson commented 8 years ago

I can confirm that as of 3.1 the performance issues have been fixed across my sites. Thank you @Rarst for the update. Yoast almost lost me as a customer because of this, so hopefully we won't see a repeat of this again in the near future.

tacoverdo commented 8 years ago

@brianleejackson I would like to invite you to subscribe to our beta mailing list. By testing the beta versions and release candidates of our software, you can help us prevent issues like that. You can sign up at http://yoa.st/beta.

Thanks for helping out!

teknofilo commented 8 years ago

Version 3.1 has not solved the problem for me... the editor is totally unusable with a post near 10k words. I'd appreciate an option to disable real time analysis.

I have just disabled the plugin to be able to use the editor.