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Stub RTL Generation Feature #4442

Open Peter-Herrmann opened 2 weeks ago

Peter-Herrmann commented 2 weeks ago

Feature Description

Designs frequently need to stub out modules to simplify simulation or synthesis during development. As part of workflows, it is very useful to be able to automatically generate stub modules from design files.   I would like to request a feature where Yosys can "stub-out" a module, similar to blackbox but with the ability to tie outputs to default values.

Bare Minimum Features

Nice-to-have Features

For example, to create a stub module for a module foo:

module foo (
    input  wire A_i,
    output wire B_o

    assign B_i = ~A_i;


One could read in the file and use a command:

yosys> stub -set output_port_o 1 foo

Which would generate a module similar to this:

/* Generated by Yosys 0.39+147 (git sha1 0a854cf4c, clang++ 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1 -fPIC -Os) */

(* src = "foo.v:1.1-8.10" *)
module foo(A_i, B_o);
  (* src = "foo.v:2.17-2.20" *)
  input A_i;
  wire A_i;
  (* src = "foo.v:3.17-3.20" *)
  output B_o;
  wire B_o;
  assign B_o = 1'b1;

Note the following differences from blackbox modules: