YoungXIAO13 / FewShotDetection

(ECCV 2020) PyTorch implementation of paper "Few-Shot Object Detection and Viewpoint Estimation for Objects in the Wild"
MIT License
210 stars 33 forks source link

If possible, would you please provide the coco pre-trained weights (after base classes training)? #7

Closed pppplin closed 3 years ago

pppplin commented 3 years ago

as titled, thanks in advance!

YoungXIAO13 commented 3 years ago

Hi, You can get it by running the cmd bash, which would download the pre-trained model weights for coco and pascal voc.

pppplin commented 3 years ago

thanks for providing the pre-trained model! While running I find

--2020-09-21 02:21:16-- Resolving, 2620:100 :6018:15::a27d:30f Connecting to||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found 2020-09-21 02:21:16 ERROR 404: Not Found.

Any idea on what might happened?

YoungXIAO13 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I just updated the cmd file, could you please try re-run it and see if the downloading works ?

pppplin commented 3 years ago

works now, thanks!