YuLyn90 / Ngoc_Nhom2_T4C2

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💫 About Me:

Hi there 👋

I am YuLyn90, a Software Developer 💻. I enjoy solving problems, learning new technologies, and exploring different aspects of software development. I have a strong interest in traveling, photography, and video games 🎮.

- 🔭 I'm currently working on C# and Java projects
- 🌱 I'm currently learning React.js and Nodejs
- 🤝 I'm a student at Huflit University

Feel free to connect with me for:
- 🌏 Tech talks, traveling stories, or just to say hi!

📧 How to reach me: [lamman2k1@gmail.com]

🌐 Socials:

Behance Facebook LinkedIn

💻 Tech Stack:

C# Java HTML5 JavaScript .Net MicrosoftSQLServer MySQL Firebase Figma Adobe Photoshop GitHub

📊 GitHub Stats:

🏆 GitHub Trophies

😂 Dev Meme
