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add apt-transport-https #1242

Closed Jibec closed 5 years ago

Jibec commented 5 years ago


can you please restore "apt-transport-https" as a depedency of yunohost?

This package looks like to be part of the install script:

see and

But somehow, it crashes on my server for peertube:

I assume old installation don't have this package, so for some of us the package crashes, while it works fine for others

frju365 commented 5 years ago

Well, it can be a good idea as some repos need it... @alexAubin @JimboJoe @maniackcrudelis @Psycojoker : any idea ?

maniackcrudelis commented 5 years ago

If apt-transport-https is for adding external apt repo in YunoHost, that sure that I'm not going to say that's a good idea...

frju365 commented 5 years ago

Well, I know what is it... but it doesn't create any problem as far as I know and no, it just to make apt able to read repos in https:// instead of http://. As everyrepo (with community repos of debian) are in http://, ofc it will be used to have other official repo.

maniackcrudelis commented 5 years ago

I know what the purpose of this package. But adding extra repo isn't a good idea, as we can't know what is in this repo, and what's going to be upgraded from those repos. It can, and it did many times, induce a lot of strange errors because a repo has newer versions of a package, which is not fully supported by Debian.

So, I maintain, adding a extra repo is not a good idea... Using a deb package is better.

frju365 commented 5 years ago

Instead of a deb, we can mark an hold on a package too : instead of downloading a deb and verifying it (advantage of the repos is that we are sure it comes from an official repos). Well it's two points of view... not adding this package won't prevent ppl from using http://* repos.

maniackcrudelis commented 5 years ago

For sure it won't avoid packagers to do so, but I don't want to incite them to do it. And for now, looks like YunoHost doesn't need apt-transport-https to work. And since packagers shouldn't add extra repos, it seems better to not add this package.

frju365 commented 5 years ago

ok. :-) Well I agree, i just have doubts it good idea to install it through app directly, but ok.

maniackcrudelis commented 5 years ago

When downloading a deb, you can download it from the official repo, and verify the checksum. But ~maybe~ probably we should add a new helper to do that without all the process of ynh_setup_source

maniackcrudelis commented 5 years ago

Done as an experimental helper.

But not tested...

Jibec commented 5 years ago

Depending on how you install YunoHost, you may have this dependency or not:

About having or not having this package by default, I can't see how to properly use up to date PHP version with Debian stretch: See and

What's your recommendation for packagers? Should we do something with package_check? FYI, this package is quite widely used already:

maniackcrudelis commented 5 years ago

About having or not having this package by default, I can't see how to properly use up to date PHP version with Debian stretch

Are we always going to have this discussion...? We're on Debian, which means that we're not going to have up to date packages. If that's a problem, go say that to Debian maintainers...

What's your recommendation for packagers? Should we do something with package_check?

Like what ? I don't see the point here.

this package is quite widely used already

Have you read the discussion above ? and following -_- ...

Jibec commented 5 years ago

I see a bug and a need to write down a guideline to help packagers (the linter could raise a warning or an error to make sure the packager knows what's the proper way of doing things).

According to your message, it seems to be no issue, feel free to close the issue instead of being aggressive again.

yalh76 commented 5 years ago

apt-transport-https is not included in Yunohost ISO but is included in the install script: or used by package_check

This caused an issue in a package I work for:

Having the iso install and the web install with different dependencies is not a very good idea... So, is it possible to:

  1. Include apt-transport-https package in the iso build or
  2. Remove the dependency to apt-transport-https in the web install

As far as I understand all this, option 2 would be stupid, IT history goes to full https... and one day even default /etc/apt/sources.list will use https instead of http. Debian package repositories are already available using https...

yalh76 commented 5 years ago

Another difference between the iso install and the web install: in iso install ## YunoHost repository deb stretch stable is added in /etc/apt/sources.list

In web install deb stretch stable is added in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yunohost.list

alexAubin commented 5 years ago

in iso install ## YunoHost repository deb stretch stable is added in /etc/apt/sources.list

Ah that's a good catch ... I'm gonna fix this, thanks

(Edit : well unfortunately it's not something trivial to fix @.@ ...)

alexAubin commented 5 years ago

Fixed in