Closed cdw2000 closed 5 years ago
Please run "USBH_MIDI_dump" example.
I will do that tonight (EST) and post the results.
Here is my dump file. I basically played a C chord repeatedly. Since the USB MIDI Converter code uses the TXO on the Arduino for the MIDI out, I couldn't connect my MIDI sound device (Sparkfun WAV Trigger) to hear if any of the notes got stuck on. Hopefully I captured what you need. Oxygen 49 Dump.txt
Please try to remove or reduce the delay time.
//doDelay(t1, (uint32_t)micros(), 1000);
doDelay(t1, (uint32_t)micros(), 100);
OK. I'll give that a try and will let you know the results.
Changing the timing worked. Thanks for your help. I used 480 usec. Here's my rational: MIDI data rate is 31250 bits/sec. A 3 byte MIDI message (Note On/Off, Note No., Velocity) is 30 bits. 31250/30 is 1041.67 messages/second. Taking the reciprocal yields one message possible every 960 usec. Setting the sample interval at half that (480 usec) would ensure no messages lost.
Based on Issue #9, this appears to be an old problem that was fixed, but I am having this problem using my M-Audio Oxygen 49 keyboard. Single notes are fine, but playing multiple notes simultaneously in a repetitive manner sometimes causes a note to be stuck on.
I'm using an Arduino Uno R3 with a USB Host Shield 2.0 along with the current Arduino IDE, MIDI library 4.3.1, USB Host Shield library 2.0, and your current USBH_MIDI release. I'm using your USB_MIDI_converter example sketch. Based on reading Issue #9 should I be using the USB_MIDI_converter_multi sketch instead?