This is a level editor for a game called FairCut (a link to their website will be provided later). You can generate free polyominoes of up to 8 cells, select one of them, compose multiple copies of it (rotated or reflected as you please) into a figure, then export the figure's contour as a vector of vertices. The level editor partially supports polyabolos. However, for historicall reasons the game calls them "polyominoes with diagonals" and groups them not by the number of triangles but rather by the number of (complete or partial) cells they occupy. We also plan to add support for polyiamonds, polyhexes and polyrhombi.
This editor is not bound to the game: its output format is, although a bit bizarre, human-readable.
Requires Python 3.6 or later. Doesn't need anything but the standard library. Earlier versions might work but weren't tested.