ZainabKamel / NGS2-Project

This project is submitted in a partial fulfillment of the requirment of CIT-659 "NGS2" course for Nile University
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The Impact of Un-trimming and Trimming Approaches on Differential Expression Bias


High-throughput RNA-Sequencing is one of challenging technique for studying differential gene expression
between biological samples to detect novel upregulated and downregulated genes. Trimming is a pre-processing
step that widely used for low quality bases but still heterogeneously and unstandardized; that has an impact
to downstream analyses. In this project we have downloaded four Homo Sapiens RNAseq fasta.gz bio-samples 
from Sequence Read Archive (SRA) of bio-project (PRJNA602619).This bio-project characterized NR2F2 Orphan 
Nuclear Receptor, a member of the steroid/thyroid hormone receptor superfamily and its effect  in estrogen 
receptor alpha mediated transcriptional regulation in breast cancer cells(MCF7 and T47D) using the ChIP-seq 
and RNA-seq methods. In our project we have downloaded two control runs ; hs_T47D_shCTRL_RNAseq and two 
NR2F2 depleted T47D cells ;hs_T47D_shNR2F2_RNAseq from 54 years old females that used to study the influence 
of un-trimming and trimming processes in differential expression. The Aim of this project to determine the i
mpact of both processes on subsequent genome alignment and gene expression differential bias.

GitHub link

Link to access data on SRA

Code file

for the code open file in CODE folder CODE/ 

Data Download

1. Sample Data 
2. Control Data
3. Human Chromosome 6 "REFERENCE in fasta format"
4. Human Chromosome 15 "REFERENCE in fasta format"
5. Annotation file of chromosome 6 "GFF3 format" 
6. Annotation file of chromosome 15 "GFF3 format" 
The links of SRA and ensembl are available in script 

Data Overview using Seqkit

Screenshot uploaded under title of Quick overveiw of Data

QC for data before trimming

we have checked the QC of all data we have downloaded (both the control and sample)
you can find the report uploaded for each control and sample file

Analysis of report:

We found an ALERT regarding with **per base sequence**  whcih appeared because lower 
+quartile for bases was less than 10 and WARNING about the duplication levels, length distribution
and overrepresented sequences 

Hisat2 Alignment for untrimmedd data


We first worked on chromosome 6, because we were tracking ESR-1 gene on chr 6 but after reviewing the main abstract 
of the study we figured out we need to work on chr 15 where NR2F2 is located. 

preparation of annotation file of chromosome 6 from GFF3 to GTF 
we used genometools first which shows a GTF2.2 having no gene id, only transcripts and gene id which wasn't specific 
for further feature count so we used gffreads tools after 


At first, we failed to work using for loop so we aligned each sample alone, but after solving the issue of for loop 
we reused it for conducting the resullts "viewd in details in issue number 11"

we aligned data using Hisat2 and these were the output of the four files (two samples and two controls)
The NR2F2 gene we are looking for appeared to be on Forward strand, that's why we focused on F in the command line 

Alignment Summary

## Control REP1 hs_REP1_T47D_shCTRL_RNAseq
23830798 reads; of these:
  23830798 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these:
    22636860 (94.99%) aligned 0 times
    1056038 (4.43%) aligned exactly 1 time
    137900 (0.58%) aligned >1 times
5.01% overall alignment rate

## Control REP2 hs_REP2_T47D_shCTRL_RNAseq
28344397 reads; of these:
  28344397 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these:
    26884448 (94.85%) aligned 0 times
    1377373 (4.86%) aligned exactly 1 time
    82576 (0.29%) aligned >1 times
5.15% overall alignment rate

## Sample REP1 hs_REP1_T47D_shNR2F2_RNAseq
26758033 reads; of these:
  26758033 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these:
    25388901 (94.88%) aligned 0 times
    1288608 (4.82%) aligned exactly 1 time
    80524 (0.30%) aligned >1 times
5.12% overall alignment rate

## Sample REP2 hs_REP2_T47D_shNR2F2_RNAseq
29668645 reads; of these:
  29668645 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these:
    28147110 (94.87%) aligned 0 times
    1435885 (4.84%) aligned exactly 1 time
    85650 (0.29%) aligned >1 times
5.13% overall alignment rate

Visualization of untrimmed /*bam.bai files using IGV

we visualized the bam and bam.bai files using IGV. These screenshots were attached in the folder 
entitled "Visualization of  Un-trimmed Data with IGV"

Differential Expression for untrimmed data


Counting the originated file (simple_count.txt attached above)

Geneid hs_T47D_shCTRL_RNAseq_rep1.bam hs_T47D_shCTRL_RNAseq_rep2.bam hs_T47D_shNR2F2_RNAseq_rep1.bam hs_T47D_shNR2F2_RNAseq_rep2.bam
ENSG00000215567 8 4 5 2
ENSG00000201241 1 1 1 0
ENSG00000258463 0 0 1 0
ENSG00000274347 0 0 0 0
ENSG00000188403 0 0 0 0
ENSG00000258706 0 0 0 0
ENSG00000259337 0 0 0 0

DESeq Output (results_deseq15.tsv attached above)

id baseMean baseMeanA baseMeanB foldChange log2FoldChange pval padj
ENSG00000185551 1139.47799460156 1862.50163959567 416.454349607454 0.223599453956917 -2.16101142984852 1.98779882849516e-15 9.65399264176276e-08
ENSG00000128965 172.07940920188 68.8166455576957 275.342172846064 4.00109843504677 2.00039612231184 1.40728755710827e-10 9.39729003690993e-61
ENSG00000140465 643.314371739867 235.846844998906 1050.78189848083 4.4553570283533 2.15554104620201 1.98829913800446e-09 9.09315472447373e-07
ENSG00000128739 107.580097998159 42.8485221399427 172.311673856375 4.02141463114194 2.00770309402263 7.47024287841483e-09 2.56229330729629e-06

Heatmap Visualization of rows with pval < 0.05

you can find the heatmap of the DEGs of untrimmed data attached in file entitled hisat_output.pdf

Data trimming

We trimmed data to remove the error of per base sequence and the on screen output was as follows:
1. hs_T47D_shCTRL_RNAseq_rep1.fastq.gz
Input Reads: 23830798 Surviving: 23506538 (98.64%) Dropped: 324260 (1.36%)
TrimmomaticSE: Completed successfully

Input Reads: 28344397 Surviving: 27996919 (98.77%) Dropped: 347478 (1.23%)
TrimmomaticSE: Completed successfully

3. hs_T47D_shNR2F2_RNAseq_rep1.fastq.gz
Input Reads: 26758033 Surviving: 26409186 (98.70%) Dropped: 348847 (1.30%)
TrimmomaticSE: Completed successfully

Input Reads: 8162000 Surviving: 8056040 (98.70%) Dropped: 105960 (1.30%)
TrimmomaticSE: Completed successfully

QC for data after trimming

we have checked the QC of all data we have downloaded (both the control and sample) after being trimmed 
by the previously mentioned method. 
you can find the report uploaded for each control and sample file

Analysis of report:

The ALERT regarding with **per base sequence**  whcih appeared because lower 
quartile for bases was less than 10 and WARNING about the duplication levels, length distribution
and overrepresented sequences are still there in CLTR rep1 and the two sample replicates. Interestingly, 
we have found that the second replicate of control data revealed an alert after trimming regarding the
duplication level; although, before trimming it only had an alert over the per base sequence. After 
searching on this we continued working because as mentioned in issue #13, the duplication could be 
ignored in this case as it may be due to PCR or it could be because the paramters provided for the 
trimmomatic is designed to be working with DNA data not RNA. 

Hisat Alignment for Trimmedd data

Alignment Summary

## Control REP1 hs_REP1_T47D_shCTRL_RNAseq
23506538 reads; of these:
  23506538 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these:
    22219084 (94.52%) aligned 0 times
    1118683 (4.76%) aligned exactly 1 time
    168771 (0.72%) aligned >1 times
5.48% overall alignment rate

## Control REP2 hs_REP2_T47D_shCTRL_RNAseq
27996919 reads; of these:
  27996919 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these:
    26406335 (94.32%) aligned 0 times
    1465076 (5.23%) aligned exactly 1 time
    125508 (0.45%) aligned >1 times
5.68% overall alignment rate

## Sample REP1 hs_REP1_T47D_shNR2F2_RNAseq
26409186 reads; of these:
  26409186 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these:
    24927190 (94.39%) aligned 0 times
    1361964 (5.16%) aligned exactly 1 time
    120032 (0.45%) aligned >1 times
5.61% overall alignment rate

## Sample REP2 hs_REP2_T47D_shNR2F2_RNAseq
8056040 reads; of these:
  8056040 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these:
    7602314 (94.37%) aligned 0 times
    417254 (5.18%) aligned exactly 1 time
    36472 (0.45%) aligned >1 times
5.63% overall alignment rate

Visualization of trimmed /bam /bam.bai files using IGV

we visualized the bam and bam.bai files using IGV. These screenshots were attached in the folder entitled 
"Visualization of trimmed Data with IGV"
On NCBI, molecular location of gene NR2F2 at bp 96,328,518 (attached above under title "trimmed data molecular 
location of gene NR2F2 at bp 96,328,518")

Differential Expression for Trimmed Data


Counting the originated file (simple_count_trimmed.txt attached above)

Geneid hs_T47D_shCTRL_RNAseq_rep1.bam hs_T47D_shCTRL_RNAseq_rep2.bam hs_T47D_shNR2F2_RNAseq_rep1.bam hs_T47D_shNR2F2_RNAseq_rep2.bam
ENSG00000215567 7 2 5 2
ENSG00000201241 1 1 1 0
ENSG00000258463 0 1 2 0
ENSG00000274347 0 0 0 0
ENSG00000188403 0 0 0 0
ENSG00000258706 0 0 0 0
ENSG00000259337 0 0 0 0
ENSG00000258780 77 93 105 29

DESeq Output (results_deseq_trimmed.tsv attached above)

id baseMean baseMeanA baseMeanB foldChange log2FoldChange pval padj
ENSG00000185551 1133.55036089867 1862.50163959567 416.454349607454 0.223599453956917 -2.16101142984852 1.98779882849516e-15 9.65399264176276e-08
ENSG00000128965 172.07940920188 68.8166455576957 275.342172846064 4.00109843504677 2.00039612231184 1.40728755710827e-10 9.39729003690993e-61
ENSG00000140465 643.314371739867 235.846844998906 1050.78189848083 4.4553570283533 2.15554104620201 1.98829913800446e-09 9.09315472447373e-07
ENSG00000128739 123.742965127761 48.4703182427844 199.015612012738 4.10592748774379 2.03770814912304 4.77544375341107e-10 2.27470304120814e-07


According to the issue 15 we decided to align our samples to NCBI BLAST database 
ALL the fasta files of control and sample data upload to Nucleotide BLAST "BLASTn" by using nr/nt database with specification of organism to "Homo Sapiens"


After comparing the trimmed and untrimmed data resulting from the differential expression analysis, we found that 
we have 9 differentially expressed genes in the untrimmed data and 8 genes in trimmed data. The one missing gene 
in trimmed data is LARP6 (ENSG00000166173) which disappeared from the DEGs list in the trimmed data. LARP6 is highly
expressed in the myoepithelial cells of the mammary gland and is upregulated in basal-like invasive ductal carcinomas 
of the breast. Additionally we found that NR2F2 (ENSG00000185551) gene -target gene in study- is significantly upregulated
in untrimmed data more than the trimmed data. For the other DEGs, we recognized that CHAC gene (ENSG00000128965), MAP1A
(ENSG00000166963) gene which is a recognizable gene in breast cancer that resists chemotherapy, SNRPN (ENSG00000128739) 
gene and cytochrome oxidase P450 CYP450 gene (ENSG00000140465) are significantly upregulated in trimmed data more than 
untrimmed data.On the other hand, actin binding gene TMOD2 (ENSG00000128872), GTBase activating protein (ENSG00000140575) gene
which is an important marker for prognosis of breast cancer and ADAMTS7 (ENSG00000136378) were upregulated in untrimmed data.
Also while observing the output files of quantification (simple_count.txt and simple_count_trimmed.txt), 
we found that the NR2F2 (ENSG00000185551) gene was downregulated in Samples when compared to the Control in both 
trimmed and untrimmed data.