ZeroNoRyouki / ExtremeReactors2

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Instant Server Crash (Loop) #10

Closed KontraM8 closed 3 years ago

KontraM8 commented 3 years ago

Sooo I connected my Reinforced 5x5x5 Reactor with my Mekanism Turbine via Advanced Pressurized Tube and I got an instant Crash. I cant start my server now, because they are Connected. The tube is set on Pull on the Reinforced Active Fluid Port.

KontraM8 commented 3 years ago

This is the Crash Report that Iam getting:

ZeroNoRyouki commented 3 years ago

It's fixed in 2.0.8. Please update ER and let me know

KontraM8 commented 3 years ago

It kinda works. Now I got a new problem: When breaking the Access Port, I dont get it back. On top of that, it doesnt connect at all

KontraM8 commented 3 years ago

I tried it with a Mechanical Pipe, I indeed get the Steam out of it, but now the Tube doesnt Connect to the Turbine, as it is a Fluid and not a Gas

ZeroNoRyouki commented 3 years ago

It kinda works. Now I got a new problem: When breaking the Access Port, I dont get it back. On top of that, it doesnt connect at all

Are you talking about the Solid Access Port ? To what are you trying to connect it?

KontraM8 commented 3 years ago

Reactor Active Forge Fluid Port (Legacy)

ZeroNoRyouki commented 3 years ago

I tried it with a Mechanical Pipe, I indeed get the Steam out of it, but now the Tube doesnt Connect to the Turbine, as it is a Fluid and not a Gas

What kind of Fluid Port are you using in the Turbine? Active or Passive?

KontraM8 commented 3 years ago

Neither, Iam using the Mekanism Turbine as mentioned before

papaworld commented 3 years ago

Mekanism Turbine uses GAS Steam not Liquid Steam... (I got the same crash). You can convert ER2 Liquid Steam to Meka Gas Steam but that would take lots of Rotary Condenserators with full upgrades... which is not cost effective to achieve a decent Gas Steam amount to turn the Turbine from Mekanism.

What you are trying to do in 1.16.x can be achieved in 1.12.2 because Mekanism used Liquid Steam for the Turbine.

ZeroNoRyouki commented 3 years ago

Neither, Iam using the Mekanism Turbine as mentioned before

Ah that's it then. The Forge Fluid Port use Forge own IFluidHandler system. I'm working on a separate Fluid Port for Mekanism to handle it's Gas interface but I'm still debading on the conversion system from the vapors produces by the Reactor to Mek gasses

papaworld commented 3 years ago

I got the ER2 steam to convert in a rotary condenserator at 256mb with full upgrades. Totally not feasible.

ZeroNoRyouki commented 3 years ago

The fact that Mekanism provide it's own way to convert from liquid (steam) to gas (steam) it's one of the thing that pushed me to put the Mek Fluid Port on hold. Not sure if they would get pissed if I started converting (liquid) steam on the fly

KontraM8 commented 3 years ago

My turbine only has an Input of 400mb/t meanwhile iam producing way more than that? wth am i doing wrong

ZeroNoRyouki commented 3 years ago

It kinda works. Now I got a new problem: When breaking the Access Port, I dont get it back. On top of that, it doesnt connect at all

As for the port don't dropping, your are right... I so hate MC new block drop system, it's so damn stupid to have to add a json file to make a block drop itselft uff.

papaworld commented 3 years ago

There are 4 systems I am aware of to produce Mekanism gas steam... rotary condenserator, fusion reactor, fission reactor and boiler. As I was looking forward to your 1.16.x updates for the release of the turbine... I was hoping you would maybe changet your liquid steam system to gas. Maybe instead of "converting" liquid steam to gas... the reactor would just generate gas steam as an output.

KontraM8 commented 3 years ago

Thats what I was thinking and considering doing, but well... guess that doesnt work as I hoped

KontraM8 commented 3 years ago

And on thing I noticed, at least for me, my Reactor Fuel is never at 100%

ZeroNoRyouki commented 3 years ago

There are 4 systems I am aware of to produce Mekanism gas steam... rotary condenserator, fusion reactor, fission reactor and boiler. As I was looking forward to your 1.16.x updates for the release of the turbine... I was hoping you would maybe changet your liquid steam system to gas. Maybe instead of "converting" liquid steam to gas... the reactor would just generate gas steam as an output.

The thing is, the Reactor does not generate steam. It convert a registered coolant into a given amount of it's registered vapor (and the Turbine condensate the vapor into it's source coolant)

Coolant and Vapors, and their transformations, are added using the API of ER. ER add to itself water as a coolant that vaporize to steam (and viceversa) but other mods can add their fluid too.

So an intermediate layer is needed to convert a vapor to a Mek gas like I've said above

ZeroNoRyouki commented 3 years ago

And on thing I noticed, at least for me, my Reactor Fuel is never at 100%

Yup, the SOLID Access Port is bad at math :)

KontraM8 commented 3 years ago

Sooo Iam guessing theres no way to change that? :D

papaworld commented 3 years ago

Thank you Zero for clarity and BIG thank you for porting ER to ER2.

Kontra... what size turbine is locked in to 400mb/t... sounds like it is a basic smaller multiblock which would limit the input/output. Build up you turbine with reinforced to achieve higher steam input for higher FE output.

The Reactor fuel rods must be full to achieve highest output, check for fuel ingots in the solid access port, you should have atleast 1 ingot. They will never be 100% on a running system because of waste when waste amount increases the reactor output decreases. The smaller the reactor the more amplified the decreased output.

ZeroNoRyouki commented 3 years ago

Sooo Iam guessing theres no way to change that? :D

Who knowns, maybe in the future there would be a better way to convert ingots to reactants :)

ZeroNoRyouki commented 3 years ago

I'll ask the Mekanisms guys what they would think of me converting liquid Steam to Gas Steam, and thoretically, any fluid to gas . I've already all the code in place anyway, only the conversion registry it's missing

ZeroNoRyouki commented 3 years ago

Thank you Zero for clarity and BIG thank you for porting ER to ER2.

You are welcome!

KontraM8 commented 3 years ago

@papaworld Iam using the Turbine from Mekanism, it is indeed a Basic Small Multiblock Bild_2020-11-24_190429

KontraM8 commented 3 years ago

But thanks for your help so far Guys!

papaworld commented 3 years ago

Kontra, if I may suggest for your consideration.... because your Mekanism Turbine will not work with ER2 maybe build an ER2 full size Turbine. Go to the config file for ER2. Change Power Produced from 1.0 to something like 10.0 and also for fairness change the fuel use also from 1.0 to 10.0 to maintain balance. In 1.12.2 the turbine maxed out at multiplier 35.0 for 1MRF/t output using 1 RF port and the Turbine generated over 1MRF at the coils.

KontraM8 commented 3 years ago

I think Ill just use the ER2 Reactor for RF/t to boost my future Boiler which then provides the Steam to my Turbine. I indeed set the config higher already :D

papaworld commented 3 years ago

Good luck with that. In 1.12.2 I had an ER 11x11x9 50,000mb/t steam reactor directly feeding the Mekanism Turbine 5x5x8 producing 573,000RF/t which returned water back to the reactor. (with no config changes)

Hey when you get it to work... would you mind posting it?

KontraM8 commented 3 years ago

If you want, we can stay In contact on Discord : KontraM8:7156 , this is not the Chat for it:)

papaworld commented 3 years ago

Gotzit! Thank you Sir.

ZeroNoRyouki commented 3 years ago

I've asked there if you would like to see how that would turn out :

papaworld commented 3 years ago

Hey Ya Zero... saw the posts on Meka6741. BTW, pupnewfster is really a nice guy. The problem with the rotary condenserator is it will convert liquid steam to gas steam, but, there is a "not worth it" situation.

One Rotary Condenserator will need 8 speed and 8 efficiency upgrades to convert liquid steam to gas steam at a maximum rate of 256mb/t (way too little for ER2 turbines) and requires 51,200FE/t to do it... yeah 51KFE.

BTW, ER2 liquid steam does work in Meka Rotary Cond to produce gas steam.

I do have some thoughts tho, if you would wanna consider them.

ZeroNoRyouki commented 3 years ago

BTW, ER2 liquid steam does work in Meka Rotary Cond to produce gas steam.

Yup, It's tagged as "steam" so it should works in any mods that accecpt a fluid tagged as such

I do have some thoughts tho, if you would wanna consider them.

Fire away!

papaworld commented 3 years ago

Looking back to 1.7.10 - how mods boiled water

Mekanism 1.7.10 wiki states (paraphrasing from memory): The 5x5x8 Industrial Turbine will output the same amount of RF/t as the Big Reactors full size (7x7x16) Turbine (approx 27K) with the same amount of steam injected. (I''m not trying to discredit or step on anyones feet)

Personally, I believe that BR Reactors and Turbines were a novel idea, but fell short for the RF output vs size and cost. This also carried over in ER for 1.12.2. So I did one of three things for world design. Raised the RF production output multiplier and matched that number to Reactor fuel use multiplier so they matched. Got 1MRF output at 7x7x16 Turbine RF Port and just over 1MRF at the coils. Perfect! Challenging creativity for Fuel Ingots - got it! The second thing, match an ER Reactor 11x11x9 (50,000mb steam) to Meka Turbine 5x5x8, it works very well, producing 573,000RF/t (2 coils) entire system in 1 chunk. The third, scraped the ER and Meka systems and went with something else that produced over 24KRF in a 5x5x2 area (custom system using variety of mods not intended to be matched-up).

BTW, the Meka 5x5x8 Turbine is NOT limited to 573,000RF/t... that is only at 50,000mb/t steam in. This small Turbine will max out at 3.2MRF/t with enough steam in.

With that all said, it boils (sry for the pun) down to this question... Why would someone want to connect a Meka Turbine to ER Reactor?

Only one answer: Power Output! using ER and Meka stock confings. 1 small 5x5x8 Turbine.

My thoughts are to re-think how ER2 Turbines work, not their design, persay. Steam rate input vs RPM vs qty coils vs RF (FE) output vs water return (because a turbine is also a condenser unit).

Maybe an update on Turbine math equations will bring ER2 Turbines up so the whole idea of Meka Turbines is not necessary at all and mute.

This comment is information background for concept consideration, i would be happy to and enjoy assisting in application.

PS - MineCraft folks, I believe, really enjoy the BR/ER Reactors in their worlds.

ZeroNoRyouki commented 3 years ago

Well, I think that this is probably the first time I've heard someone suggest to push up the Turbines power output xD

I'ts an interesting notion, one that I should think about a bit

papaworld commented 3 years ago

For some background, when ErogenousBeef finished with BR 1.7.10, I was considering porting to MC 1.8 (gag), then MC went to 1.9 and you came out with ER for 1.9.4, so I dropped it. But during that time I studied reactors in real world designs:

2020-11-28_12 29 25

And also how turbine power curves work: (this one is for 1M out)

12 Turbine 7x7x16 80blade 32coil 3 Combined

Then studied the math involved. Then MC went to 1.14.4 and I rethought contacting you for porting ER to 1.14/1.15 but read you were considering doing it on curse forge. So I dropped it for that reason and I really wouldn't have the time to do the mod justice.

The parameters I had for porting were making it as simple of a change over as possible and 2 or 3 tier systems to satisfy both stringent and looser MC players... fair game play balance and also a viable system that would generate compatible(ish) power as Meka.

Any way... I'd be more than happy to bat-around some ideas with ya. ThanX again for bringing ER2. BR/ER have truly been one of my favorite go-to mods.

ZeroNoRyouki commented 3 years ago

@papaworld thank for the additions infos! I'll check them asap

The mek fluid port is out in 2.0.10. Have fun guys :)