ZeroQI / YouTube-Agent.bundle

Plex Metadata Agent for Movies and TV Series libraries
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The agent just stopped scanning a couple of days ago. #128

Open mcfarlandaaron1 opened 1 year ago

mcfarlandaaron1 commented 1 year ago

The Youtube agent for some reason just stopped scanning in new files correctly on Monday April 3rd 2023. I have tried rebooting, reinstalling the agent bundle, creating a new library, getting a new API from the Google Developer Console, and nothing is fixing the problem. Everything is scanning in with the title of 'O:\Youtube[Name of Channel] since mid Monday. I try to match the video file in Plex and it never brings the metadata back and names the file correctly. I am not sure if this is something with me or Youtube changed something that day that broke this agent. I can provide any logs you need to assist, but I am not sure what to look at to determine the reason for the reason this agent broke. I will note I am using yt-dlp to download the youtube files and I provided the config file of the settings I have set for the youtube downloads for yt-dlp. Thank you.


ZeroQI commented 1 year ago
2023-04-06 04:59:14,220 (a374) :  DEBUG (networking:143) - Requesting ''
2023-04-06 04:59:14,223 (a374) :  CRITICAL (core:574) - Exception in the update function of agent named 'YouTubeMovie', called with guid '|cZ0wXDFtk3w|Mel Robbins - [UCk2U-Oqn7RXf-ydPqfSxG5g]?lang=xn' (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Program Files\Plex\Plex Media Server\Resources\Plug-ins-ba892e5ce\Framework.bundle\Contents\Resources\Versions\2\Python\Framework\api\", line 1093, in _update
    agent.update(obj, media, lang, **kwargs)
  File "M:\Plex\Plex Media Server\Plug-ins\YouTube-Agent.bundle\Contents\Code\", line 557, in update
    def update (self, metadata, media, lang, force ):  Update (metadata, media, lang, force,  True)
  File "M:\Plex\Plex Media Server\Plug-ins\YouTube-Agent.bundle\Contents\Code\", line 423, in Update
    metadata.posters [thumb_channel] = Proxy.Media(HTTP.Request(thumb_channel).content, sort_order=1 if Prefs['media_poster_source']=='Channel' else 2)

Not sure webp is a supported file format to be honest, line 423 should reject this format, so i suggest to try this:

            if thumb_channel is not None and not thumb_channel.endswith('.webp'):
              metadata.posters [thumb_channel] = Proxy.Media(HTTP.Request(thumb_channel).content, sort_order=1 if Prefs['media_poster_source']=='Channel' else 2)

If it works, please let me know and i will include into the master code

mcfarlandaaron1 commented 1 year ago

@ZeroQI just so I am clear of what you wanted me to try, is this where this should be placed in the file? Thank you for the quick response also.

Screenshot 2023-04-06 181727
ZeroQI commented 1 year ago

Yes, but add 2 spaces more in 423 and 424

mcfarlandaaron1 commented 1 year ago

@ZeroQI It seems to be working better adding the items you suggested, but I am still having some issues with the file names and I am not sure if that is on my end or what the issue is. If you look at the two screenshots, one shows the metadata pulled in correctly, but the name of the video is the file path. I did add the latest log to the item below this.

Screenshot 2023-04-07 110315 Screenshot 2023-04-07 110346
mcfarlandaaron1 commented 1 year ago

I did create a brand new plex library with a folder from youtube download directory, with the above images.

mcfarlandaaron1 commented 1 year ago

It appears the update broke this agent from working correctly as downgrading back to fixed the problem.

TChilderhose commented 1 year ago

I am running into the same issue and it seems like this person is too.

All of the logs I have and have seen from other people have a SSLError. One of the undocumented changes Plex made with 1.32.X is they dropped OpenSSL 1.1.1 support, so now it's OpenSSL 3+ only. It really sucks because Plex uses Python 2.7 which doesn't have OpenSSL 3. I've asked about any plans to include python3 but worried that this might be the end of plugins.

mcfarlandaaron1 commented 1 year ago

@TChilderhose I have found a workaround. Sadly, none of this will work for media already download before these steps. I documented them on the Plex forums.

TChilderhose commented 1 year ago

I was actually doing something very similar before I started to using this agent. For my use case with my family I really wanted the season and show structure that TV Shows provided vs the all-in-one/movie approach that Other Videos provide.

But I bookmarked it in case there is no other approach, thanks.

TChilderhose commented 1 year ago

They have no plans on Python 3. You might be able to get around the cert issues, but having it use an OpenSSL library that the Python version doesnt support is going to cause a lot of other issues with https. Other than sticking with PMS 1.31.X I dont really have a great solution for the plugin unfortunately

Tripletap007 commented 1 year ago

I just saw that other's hoping "we're looking into it, no ETA" isn't quite the blowoff it sounds like.

TChilderhose commented 1 year ago

Ended up having some time today and worked on a fix. I posted it in the thread so hopefully they can just use it or at least give them a good starting point.

Been running it on with 0 issues so far.

Tripletap007 commented 1 year ago

Really appreciate your time and energy!

TChilderhose commented 1 year ago

Plex Media Server fixes the issue

mcfarlandaaron1 commented 1 year ago

@TChilderhose It does? Did you have to do anything special to fix the problem or does it just start scraping correctly?

TChilderhose commented 1 year ago

I did need to do the plex dance for existing things that were missing data, but new stuff worked.

mcfarlandaaron1 commented 1 year ago

I did need to do the plex dance for existing things that were missing data, but new stuff worked.

That is great to hear. Let me give it a try and see if it fixes it for me. I know a couple on this Plex forum will be happy to hear this.

mcfarlandaaron1 commented 1 year ago

@TChilderhose just tested it with a few folders from my YouTube directory and it is scanning them in correctly and showing the metadata like it should.

tanja84dk commented 1 year ago

Any updates? Because I think it looks like I have some simulair issues For me its error opening the googleapi's url and looks like its started failing about the same time Redacted my API key because as a secondary test I did register my own api key as it recommended

""" ERROR (networking:197) - Error opening URL ',contentDetails,statistics&id=5NpbU7I55Zw&key=REDACTEDAPIKEY' 2023-05-29 20:10:50,787 (7f723cfc5b38) : INFO (init:509) - json_video_details - Could not retrieve data from YouTube for: 5NpbU7I55Zw """