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Streaks #3

Open iasoon opened 6 years ago

iasoon commented 6 years ago

I really like the GitHub streak. Having to deliver a commit in order not to break my streak has often given me that little activation I needed to get working on something. We need this in G2! It would be nice to have a global streak (like the github one), and per-project streaks. Streaks don't have to be done by one person either: a project streak might be nice as well, as it motivates an entire team instead of one coder. it might also be nice to have a leaderboard with the greatest streaks, measured either in time or score accumulated during the streak.

Robbe7730 commented 6 years ago

I think this is a very good idea, especially the project-wide streaks. It can indeed be an extra motivation, but maybe we should also think about when the streaks end. In my opinion it can be really annoying if you accidentally miss one day after getting a high streak and having to do it all over again. If we get this right this will be really cool!

iasoon commented 6 years ago

Hm, you do have a point, but on the other hand I feel allowing you to miss a day defeats the purpose of a streak. Maybe we can have a related concept that measures your 'momentum' in a more intelligent way? I still like the 'dumb' streaks though, exactly because you can't miss a day.

wschella commented 6 years ago

I don't know if i am a fan actually (at least not to make this very visible). I feel streaks are only rewarding when you have lots of momentum already anyway, at which point i'm guessing there are other positive things to focus on that aren't this kind of cheap mindhacking.

You could have some smaller things like: longest streak achievements, 10 day streak badges, etc. tho I guess.

iasoon commented 6 years ago

Could you explain why you feel this is 'cheap mindhacking', @wschella ? I feel streaks are exactly the silly kind of 'allez, vooruit' motivation that we want in G2 - both because of their slight motivating character as the 'engagement token' they provide.

What kind of other positive things are you alluding to?

wschella commented 6 years ago

Cause I feel like it's the tool trying to control me, instead of the reverse. I know it's our intention to stimulate motivation, but things like this make me often feel less motivated (Snapchat has this kinda thing too), I feel like i'm being managed by some code and simple rules, which often turns things into a drag, cause they are inflexible. This streak does not know I spend 3 hours mailing and designing things, it does not know I was just sick for a day. I don't want to be nudged, i want to feel like my contributions will make an impact, the team will appreciate it, and the goal is coming in sight. Streaks just miss everything.

iasoon commented 6 years ago

@wschella You do have a point, but how do you propose that any feedback mechanism in g2 knows you spend 3h mailing or are sick?

wschella commented 6 years ago

It certainly shouldn't be able to know, but it G2 certainly should realize it does not know everything. And streaks actually punish when they don't know everything, they also punish otherwise, but then it's more 'fair'. What might be an option to make it more flexible is to have week- or month- based streaks?

iasoon commented 6 years ago

Good points! I think I'm with you on this one, streaks are very un-fun because of that effect. What if we'd do something like a rolling average of score? The 'challenge' there would be to keep a constant pace, or maintain some value over some time period. This would be more forgiving while also being more informative, since the actual amount of work you do is taken into account as well.