Edit: After changing my config back to how I've had it for months, the issue is still there, so that leads me to believe that it's not MFM however the TPS with & without it says otherwise. If anyone sees anything in my timings that could be the cause lemme know.
Server Verison:
Paper-214 (1.16.3)
MFM version:
Java version:
When using MFM is appears to be creating way more lag
Timings with MFM: https://timings.aikar.co/?id=ef8bc959d54d47adbb5bb5d7ba59abce Timings without MFM: https://timings.aikar.co/?id=3c2800a1348c48e781235e476390c3e0
TPS with MFM: https://prnt.sc/usuolo TPS without MFM: https://prnt.sc/usuot9
It doesn't look like MFM is whats causing it but I'm sure it is. here is my config: https://pastebin.com/StNmQKKj
Edit: After changing my config back to how I've had it for months, the issue is still there, so that leads me to believe that it's not MFM however the TPS with & without it says otherwise. If anyone sees anything in my timings that could be the cause lemme know.
Server Verison: Paper-214 (1.16.3) MFM version: Java version: 11.0.8