a-mabe / OpenHIIT

:weight_lifting: :medal_sports: Open-source, cross platform HIIT and Tabata interval timer. Pull requests are appreciated!
MIT License
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[Feature/Improvement] Duplicate workout #129

Closed blabohm closed 5 months ago

blabohm commented 5 months ago

Purpose: Allow users to duplicate existing workouts instead of starting from scratch each time.

More details: Sometimes I want to implement some modifications to a workout (e.g. change some of the exercises). But often I would prefer not to change the existing workout for various reasons (getting variation in a routine, testing exercises...). In the current version of the App I would have to either modify the existing workout or start a new workout from scratch to e.g. test minor changes. Adding a duplication option would facilitate this process.

Acceptance Criteria: This feature could be implemented by either: 1.) adding a drop down menu when long pressing a workout/timer with a "duplicate" option. Or 2.) by adding a "duplicate existing workout" feature in the "new workout" menu.

Thanks for the awesome App! I use it it on an almost daily basis :)

a-mabe commented 5 months ago

I appreciate the feature request, I will get this added to the todo list. Thank you for your support!

Krunal-375 commented 5 months ago

I would like to add this feature please assign me these issue

a-mabe commented 5 months ago

Hey @Krunal-375, thank you for contributing, I have assigned you the issue