a-schild / jave2

The JAVE (Java Audio Video Encoder) library is Java wrapper on the ffmpeg project
GNU General Public License v3.0
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aarch64是否可以支持使用? #193

Closed seaLordsLiu closed 2 years ago

seaLordsLiu commented 2 years ago


a-schild commented 2 years ago

Eglish please

visualage commented 2 years ago

courtesy translation of the original question: title: Is aarch64 supported? content: My server is aarch64-based. When using this, it shows an error about missing ffmep-aarch64 I assume ffmep-aarch64 is a misspelling of ffmpeg-aarch64.

Is your 'server' a Apple M1-based MacBook Pro? If so, it is not yet supported. You can try install a x86 architecture JDK and use Rosetta2. If your server is a linux arm64 server, you need to include jave-nativebin-linux-arm64 as your dependency.

a-schild commented 2 years ago

In the 3.3.0-SNAPSHOT version we have a jave-nativebin-osxm1 which supports the M1 chip

dr-slurp commented 2 years ago

When does the 3.3.0-snapshot come out?

I'm getting similar errors on my 2022 M1 MAX macbook pro. The same code works just fine on my old 2014 mac book pro. The errors look like: Exception in thread "main" ws.schild.jave.EncoderException: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "/var/folders/t3/d0344lf14fs00nhhb6rphvfc0000gn/T/jave/ffmpeg-aarch64-3.2.0-osx": error=2, No such file or directory at ws.schild.jave.Encoder.encode(Encoder.java:508) at ws.schild.jave.Encoder.encode(Encoder.java:351) at ws.schild.jave.Encoder.encode(Encoder.java:318) at dr_slurp.MyceliumFidelity.Video.VideoSplitter.split(VideoSplitter.java:46) at dr_slurp.MyceliumFidelity.MyFiTester.main(MyFiTester.java:19)

Thanks for the help.

hramberger commented 2 years ago

Similar Story here with jave-all-deps:

ERROR [main] w.s.j.p.f.DefaultFFMPEGLocator: Could not find ffmpeg platform executable in resources for <ws/schild/jave/nativebin/ffmpeg-aarch64-osx>
ERROR [main] w.s.j.p.f.DefaultFFMPEGLocator: ffmpeg executable NOT found: /var/folders/vw/xqbw628j2sggf3y98370qhb80000gn/T/jave/ffmpeg-aarch64-3.2.0-osx

The release 3.3.0 is therefore highly anticipated :-)

hramberger commented 2 years ago

I updated jave-all-deps to the newly released version 3.3.0, but unfortunately I still get the same error. I suspect a naming mismatch between the package name (osxm1) and the name the DefaultFFMPEGLocator is looking for (ffmpeg-aarch64-3.3.0-osx).

dr-slurp commented 2 years ago

Damn. So close but so far. Soon....

a-schild commented 2 years ago

Can you please try with the 3.3.1-SNAPSHOT release of the jave-nativebin-osxm1 (Instead of the jave-all-deps) The ffmpeg filed had an underline in the name, instead of the -

hramberger commented 2 years ago

Is the the SNAPSHOT published? I tried to include the following, but maven is unable to resolve it:

a-schild commented 2 years ago

Have you added the snapshot respository to your pom.xml file?

From here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7715321/how-to-download-snapshot-version-from-maven-snapshot-repository

hramberger commented 2 years ago

@a-schild thanks for the hint. With the correct configuration I was able to download the SNAPSHOT. For me this version works like a charm on a M1 macbook.

a-schild commented 2 years ago

Fixed with release 3.3.1