aaronboda24 / Loose-GNSS-IMU

Loosely coupled integration of GNSS and IMU
MIT License
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Input format GNSS #1

Closed goamberg closed 5 years ago

goamberg commented 5 years ago


I came accross your gnss-imu fusion solution and wanted to test it out a little with my own data. I saw the input files and was wondering if you have any more information on what format the GNSS Input file is? I have can produce .pos files (out of RTKLIB) quite easy, but there are nowhere near the 28 columns you have in your GNSS textfile.


aaronboda24 commented 5 years ago

Hi Goam! GNSS input parameters include:


goamberg commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the clarification. To be more clear: I only need the 6 values (beside time): X,Y,Z and Vx,Vy,Vz?

ECEF position seems to be easy to get. Velocity no so much. Will figure it out.

thanks again

ps. out of curiosity: with what system/GNSS modul did you produce the covariance data?

aaronboda24 commented 5 years ago
liyuebit commented 5 years ago

Hello, I am a beginner, and I am confused about some symbols. (1) input data. Is Vel under the ECEF reference system? (2) sf_eib. Is eib means boday frame --> ECI frame? (3)sf_bib. Is bib means body frame –> body inertial frame? (4)vel_eeb.Is eeb means body frame –> ECEF frame?

Looking forward to your reply. Thank you very much.

aaronboda24 commented 5 years ago

To answer your questions: (1) input data. Is Vel under the ECEF reference system? - Yes (2) sf_eib. Is eib means body frame --> ECI frame? - body frame with respect to inertial frame, resolved in ecef frame (3)sf_bib. Is bib means body frame –> body inertial frame? - body frame with respect to inertial frame, resolved in body frame (4)vel_eeb.Is eeb means body frame –> ECEF frame?- body frame with respect to ecef frame, resolved in ecef frame

liyuebit commented 5 years ago

OK, thank you very much. And I still have some questions. (1) I can get vel data in NED frame (local navigation frame), so I have to transform it into ECEF frame, right? So I have to caculate C_en (NED to ECEF frame transform matrix), and vel_eeb = C_en *vel_navi, right?

(2)One more question, you say that you use your own GNSS module to produce the position, velocity and covariance, so can you tell me which GNSS module you are using? And how does it get this covariance information? Do you have any tools or scripts to get convariance information from the observed data (position vel).

aaronboda24 commented 5 years ago

To answer your questions: (1) I can get vel data in NED frame (local navigation frame), so I have to transform it into ECEF frame, right? So I have to caculate C_en (NED to ECEF frame transform matrix), and vel_eeb = C_en *vel_navi, right? - Yes, this is an ECEF implementation.

(2)One more question, you say that you use your own GNSS module to produce the position, velocity and covariance, so can you tell me which GNSS module you are using? And how does it get this covariance information? Do you have any tools or scripts to get convariance information from the observed data (position vel). - I am developing a sensor integration library for my lab, so I have a GNSS processing engine as part of that. I cannot share it. However you can use RTKLIB to generate position and std. deviation (sqrt of covariance). I sometimes use RTKLIB to validate my solution.

liyuebit commented 5 years ago

OK, thank you very much. Whitch navigation frame do you use in your project? ENU, I guess. But this function "MatrixXd ecef2llfDCM(double lat, double lon) " in your project returns the DCM means C_ecef2NED? (https://ww2.mathworks.cn/help/aeroblks/directioncosinematrixeceftonedtolatitudeandlongitude.html) Is there something wrong?

liyuebit commented 5 years ago

So, you can use RTKLIB to generate position and std. deviation (sqrt of covariance), but how can you generate corresponding synchronous IMU data? Thank you.

aaronboda24 commented 5 years ago

Firstly, you should open a new issue for your questions. This stream was opened for Input format.