This is not an issue, but a feature request. I'm submitting this especially because your docker image is so popular among all the Godot docker images available. And for a good reason, it provides excellent documentation. Thanks a lot for that.
Since you already have all these excellent examples on how to deploy the HTML5 game to Git(hub|lab) Pages. Adding deployment to would complete this set as it's one of the most popular platform for Windows, Linux and Mac indie games.
This is not an issue, but a feature request. I'm submitting this especially because your docker image is so popular among all the Godot docker images available. And for a good reason, it provides excellent documentation. Thanks a lot for that.
Since you already have all these excellent examples on how to deploy the HTML5 game to Git(hub|lab) Pages. Adding deployment to would complete this set as it's one of the most popular platform for Windows, Linux and Mac indie games. Butler needs to be available in the docker image. Here is some inspiration on how to add it ;)
And the user would need to provide his/her own API key.
Let me know what you think.