abcminiuser / python-elgato-streamdeck

Python library to control the Elgato Stream Deck.
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Recover from suspend and resume #78

Open dodgyrabbit opened 2 years ago

dodgyrabbit commented 2 years ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

The API does not allow one to detect and recover from a suspend/resume cycle.

In my observations (on Linux), the unique device ID changes when you unplug and plug the device back in. This makes it fairly easy to discover that a device was removed and you can recover. The typical strategy is to enumerate all the devices on a separate thread and then compare with previously known list of IDs.

However, when a computer is suspended and resumed, the device ID does not change. This means you can't detect that a suspend/resume event happened the same way you do with a removal. When a computer is suspended, the Stream Deck is reset (presumably by the operating system) and will show the default screen. Since the read thread (in StreamDeck._read()) will likely be the thread that hits the error first, it kills the thread, but does not attempt to call Close or even clear the handle. From the "outside" the StreamDeck object seem perfectly valid - except - the key events will no longer fire. The only way you can detect a failure - is if you actually try to write something to the StreamDeck. There does not seem to be an efficient way to "poll" the deck to figure out if the handle is valid or if one is able to communicate, short of constantly reading the serial number, updating an image etc.

Please note that calling StreamDeck.connected() will continue to return true after a suspend/resume even though the read thread is dead. This is because it's comparing its own instance ID with the list of the enumerated IDs, which of course did not change and therefore is still in the list.

Describe the solution you'd like

I think there are a couple of solutions to consider:

  1. is_open() property

BTW It's not clear to me if there is ever a situation where a TransportError inside the _read() method is recoverable from. The user of the API is not able to detect that it happened (unlike an exception from a write operation which bubbles to the caller).

  1. closed callback
  1. probe() method
  1. Handle outside the streamdeck API.

I'm happy to do the work and submit a pull request, but would like some input on what you think about this problem and how one can solve it. Also, I did not try this on Windows or Mac. The ID behaviour could be different on those platforms, but I think the fact that any TransportError inside _read() is undetectable, the library will benefit from a solution.

abcminiuser commented 2 years ago

This is a good idea, and one I want to think about a little (sorry for the horrific delay in my response, I've been a little busy of late).

System suspend/resumes are tricky to detect in a good, cross platform manner. Even on Linux, not all systems use the DBus base messaging bus for this. However, making the library properly detect the death of the internal reader thread and report the device handle has closed is definitely something that needs to be implemented, along with a user-defined closed callback.

abcminiuser commented 2 years ago

Oh, I forgot to give my immediate reaction: I think your idea of adding a second is_open() property for the logical open state is a good one, leaving connected() to just report the physical connection state (as it is documented to do so now).

We'd need a set_close_callback()/set_close_callback_async() that can be used to bind a user callback to close events, which would need to be triggered both in the error state and in the normal destruction state for consistency.

Currently all read errors are considered fatal, as there's nothing that can reasonably be done to recover on errors except for closing and re-opening the device handle to resync the state with the device.

AskMeAgain commented 2 years ago

Can we get an update on this? I have the same problem.

Also i think because iam running from a VM, sometimes the device just "disconnects" and i need to restart the vm because a hidden filehandle/lock is not closed correctly.

Just an easy recovering from this would be golden.

Core447 commented 2 months ago

@abcminiuser This is more of a proof of concept, nothing ready for release, but I added three commits to my fork that can restore the deck from suspend (specifically from the gif example). The main problem I have is that it seems that the deck cannot be directly reopened after the resume. This is why my code tries it n times with some delays. What are your thought on this?