abhijay-deevi / spring_portfolio

Tri 1: Java and Spring Intro
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Individual Review #24

Open abhijay-deevi opened 2 years ago

abhijay-deevi commented 2 years ago

Abhijay's Video Total average score: 6/6 Billy's Video Total average score: 5.91/6 Kian's Video Total average score: 6/6 Raquib's Video Total average score: 5.75/6

abhijay-deevi commented 2 years ago

Billy's Video:

He did give us a relationship between his VNC and deployment to the PBL project and how that came out (1/1). He also showed command because he was able to show us exactly how he deployed and gave us his full understanding of it (1/1). He also made the topic pretty interesting through his presentation and pictures and live demonstration (1/1).

For the second topic, he showed us his algorithm lab and connected it to the college board topic number 4 (1/1). He also showed command of this topic through his understanding of the code and the output of the code shown on the HTML page (1/1). He also made this pretty engaging through his pictures in the presentation and directly referring to the picture (1/1).

Overall Score: 6/6

Kian's Video:

Kian shows us the user input through the input page and connects it to Thymeleaf which is something in the PBL (1/1). He is able to show his command of the subject because he thoroughly goes through the code and explains it all (1/1). He keeps us engaged by showing us all the parts of code and telling us what it does (1/1).

Kian talks about the ASCII art lab and connects it to the 2D arrays, specifically connects it to the Collegeboard topic (1/1). Complete understanding of the code and understands what he is talking about (1/1). Once again shows the code and goes to the myconnect website to prove his relation to collegeboard, also goes through the code and makes it pretty engaging (1/1).

Overall Score: 6/6

Raquib's Video:

Raquib talks about the ASCII art lab and talks about 2D arrays and referencse the specific collegeboard video (1/1). He completely understands the code and goes through the entire thing without fault (1/1). Raquib only shows code, just like Kian, but it is pretty interesting to listen to (0.75/1).

For the second topic, he talks about fragments and connects them to Thymeleaf, and explains the use of them in our PBL lab (1/1). Looks like he understands what the Thymeleaf does and why it is important to the code and explains why it is necessary (1/1). He once again only shows code, and shows solid pictures which make it even more engaging (1/1)

Overall Score: 5.75/6

BillyCherres commented 2 years ago

Kian's Video

Topic 1

Topic 2

Overall Score: 6

Abhijay's Video

Topic 1

Topic 2

Overall Score: 6/6

Raq's Video:

Topic 1

Overall Score: 5.75/6

Uhpachee commented 2 years ago

Billy's Video

Topic 1 - Deployment

Topic 2 - Algorithm Lab (Iteration)

Overall Score: 5.75/6

Abhijay's Video

Topic 1 - Fragments (Thymeleaf)

Topic 2 - Algorithm Lab (Iterations)

Overall Score: 6/6

Raq's Video:

Topic 1 - ASCII Art Lab (2D arrays)

Topic 2 - Fragments (Thymeleaf)

Overall Score: 5.75/6

ChiefGuap commented 2 years ago

Abhijay's Video:

Topic 1

Topic 2 -Was able to clearly and thoroughly explain how The Algorithmic function works for your geometric algorithm. The information was good and good examples were shown! (1/1)

Overall Score: 6/6

Billy's Video:

Topic 1

Topic 2

Overall Score: 6/6

Kian's Video:

Topic 1

Topic 2

Overall Score: 6/6

VarnitGupta24 commented 2 years ago


  1. The deployment explanations were great, and it was evident that you knew what you were doing. There was images to accompany the explanations for your deployment, and it was very helpful. I myself worked on deployment, and watching your video helped me learn a lot more about the topic.

  2. The collegeboard units that Billie incorporated was Unit 4 and 10. These units were for loops and recursion. There were many tangibles, and he used his collegeboard tests to further his explanations about the units.

  3. He also used his code to explain for loops and recursions.

Overall, Billie had a great video with all of the requirements, and it was a thorough and precise video. He talked about deployment, and it was something special because not many people were brave enough to tackle this topic.

Overall Grade - 5.99/6

jm1021 commented 2 years ago


  1. Deployment VNC Viewer, Sudo Procedures, and Port Forwarding (excellent). Very Nice. Great visuals.
  2. Algorithms focus on For loop, shared runtimes, seemed a little caught in words. A little less confident or passionate on this topic. Needs to build confidence in talking about code. 5.5/6

Comments for 2nd year student need to have corrective/improvement. Not see them -.25 1.75


jm1021 commented 2 years ago

Raq - Clearly describes 2D array and gives great references how an array is processed. Covers most of the key elements. Here he mentions 2D arrays gray scale and associating ASCII character to gray scale (no demo of code running) Provides and overview Thymeleaf and fragments, focuses on nabber and discusses how templates make things fit together. Provides a demo. In these area Raq has an expertise command and could be a great candidate to make videos to be shared to other students. Particularly on Thymeleaf. As improvement, I would like to see Thymeleaf or other work have a little more technical language. But I see Raq as an interesting and professional presenter. -.25 for lack of visuals on ascii lab
-.25 for lack of “improvement” comments 7.5 / 8

5/5 as new student jumping into CSA he is engaging very well. Need to get more depth across board in coding, for instance templates/layouts can still grow in depth but explanations of what he knows are great.

jm1021 commented 2 years ago

Kian - model attributes topic is good and you took challenging topic of input and attempted to describe functionality. It would have been helpful if you went into CB relationship more directly. You did talk about Class and Setters, Getters. 2D array talk reminded me that you did not show demonstration. Toward end it seemed you were more intent on justifying your work with commits and stuff.

I would have like to see better flow on topics. Right topics good representation of work and knowledge is shown 5.5/6. 1.75/2 on comments. I would like to see comments that generate follow up and increased collaboration. You are close but need improvement.

jm1021 commented 2 years ago

Comments from Nolan

Abhijay Deevi Grade Verification Grade given by peers: 6/6 Grade given by me: 6/6, 2/2 for comments (8/8) This is definitely one of the better videos that I’ve seen. Abhijay concisely and clearly presents an overview of multiple College Board topics and relates them back to his project, emphasizing how important ThymeLeaf is while still presenting his extensive knowledge of the APCSA core curriculum (Java). Outstanding connection to College Board topics (showed screenshot of notes, proof of MCQ, summary of topics learned, etc). Moreover, Abhijay’s comments were presented very clearly and he gave very constructive evidence. This was very appealing to me as most other students simply said random things that wouldn’t help the related student, while Abhijay actually took the time to give constructive and real evidence, while still being nice, respectful, and stating the good things/glows that the student did. Overall, this was a very good video and Abhijay also had some very constructive comments that I think deserve full credit (which his group members noticed as well).

jm1021 commented 2 years ago

I really liked Thymeleaf presentation and your prep and flow thought. Amazing work! 8/8

Only thing is there are places in 2nd segment with Geo Seq that I would like to hear you say extend and abstract, you used some other words that were less.