abingham / emacs-ycmd

Emacs client for ycmd, the code completion system.
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Better information when GoToDefinition fails #128

Open abingham opened 9 years ago

abingham commented 9 years ago

In C++, GoToDefinition will fail if the definition is in a different translation unit. We might tell that to the user when it fails.

abingham commented 9 years ago

We might be able to cheat. If gtd fails for c++, a goto declaration may succeed. If so, we can try to guess the cpp file from the header and redo the request. This may be too slow.

noxdafox commented 9 years ago

I think such logic should be handled on the backend side (ycmd).

abingham commented 9 years ago

In principle I agree, though I don't know if we'll be getting that feature any time soon. If it's simple to implement on the client end, it might be a quick win. But again, I think it might be too slow if it involved initiating new compilations and such.

unhammer commented 8 years ago

Would it be possible to run a hook on failure? E.g. I typically end up running "ag" whenever goto definition fails (ie. whenever I try finding a .cpp implementation from its .hpp declaration), so I could just put some stupid correct-90%-of-the-time fallback in there.

unhammer commented 8 years ago

(I'd probably use such a hook for when I e.g. change arguments to a definition as well, and have to go back to the header to change.)

abingham commented 8 years ago

That's an interesting idea, and I don't think it would be too much work in principle. I wonder a bit about how fine-grained it should be, though. For example, should we have a hook for goto-declaration failure, another for goto-definition failure, etc? Or should we just have a generalized "goto failed" hook (perhaps with an indicator of what kind of goto it was)?

unhammer commented 8 years ago

A generalized hook passed one of the same strings like "GoToDefinition" sounds good to me.

Does ycmd send an exception or what on this uhm goto fail?

ptrv commented 8 years ago

I think we should run a hook on any exception, passing the result to the hook function and then the user can decide what to do. The exception contains the exception type and also the message which identifies the source of the exception.

Hmm, but then you don't have the information about the command (i.e. GoToDefinition) that caused the exception.

ptrv commented 8 years ago

@unhammer I pushed a commit which adds a hook to run on an exception. Could you try out the PR #307?

unhammer commented 8 years ago

Nice, now I can at least do

(setq ycmd-after-exception-hook
       (defun ycmd-after-exception-try-ag (type res)
         (when (equal type "GoToDefinition")
           (ag (symbol-name (symbol-at-point))
               (file-name-directory (buffer-file-name)))))))

however, there are still a couple issues:

ptrv commented 8 years ago

@unhammer Regarding the first point, I updated the PR and now we pass also buffer and point to the hook.

I am not sure what to do about point 2. Should we add some more logic to handle the case GoTo gives us back the same position?

I am also not sure regarding point 3. I could think of fixing the issue by checking whether there is an unfinished deferred request and in that case just prevent sending a new one. This would introduce a new state variable to keep track whether a GoTo is already in progress. Or should we just treat this situation as user error?

@abingham Any thoughts?

unhammer commented 8 years ago

Point 1 is fixed for my use at least, thanks :-)