abrensch / brouter

configurable OSM offline router with elevation awareness, Java + Android
MIT License
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Can't build segments files #200

Open YaroShkvorets opened 5 years ago

YaroShkvorets commented 5 years ago

After building brouter and pbfparser I'm trying to run map creation script but it doesn't seem to be working. I'm using monaco-latest.osm.pbf from geofabrik

$ ./process_pbf_planet.sh                                                        
*** OsmCutter: cut an osm map in node-tiles + a way file                         
*** PBF Parsing: C:\Users\shkvo\Documents\Projects\brouter\misc\scripts\mapcreation\monaco-latest.osm.pbf                                                        
--- waiting for more data, currentSize=561793 bytesRead=0                        
--- waiting for more data, currentSize=561793 bytesRead=0                       
--- waiting for more data, currentSize=561793 bytesRead=0                        
--- waiting for more data, currentSize=561793 bytesRead=0                        
--- waiting for more data, currentSize=561793 bytesRead=0                       
--- waiting for more data, currentSize=561793 bytesRead=0                        
--- waiting for more data, currentSize=561793 bytesRead=0                        
--- waiting for more data, currentSize=561793 bytesRead=0                        
--- waiting for more data, currentSize=561793 bytesRead=0                        
--- waiting for more data, currentSize=561793 bytesRead=0                        
--- waiting for more data, currentSize=561793 bytesRead=0                        
--- waiting for more data, currentSize=561793 bytesRead=0                        
read raw blobs: 9                                                                
parsing time (ms) =120445                                                        
records read: 50404 nodes=46461 ways=3733 rels=210 changesets=0                  
*** NodeFilter: Filter way related nodes                                         
*** WayIterator reading: ways.dat                                                
*** RelationMerger: merge relations into ways                                    
marked 1753 routes for key: route_bicycle_icn_2                                  
marked 83 routes for key: route_hiking_iwn_2                                     
*** WayIterator reading: ways.dat                                                
*** WayCutter: Soft-Cut way-data into tiles                                      
*** WayIterator reading: ways2.dat                                               
**** DenseLongMap stats ****                                                     
*** WayCutter5: Soft-Cut way-data into tiles                                     
*** NodeCutter: Cut big node-tiles into 5x5 tiles                                
*** PosUnifier: Unify position values and enhance elevation                      
*** WayLinker: Format a region of an OSM map for routing

There is only one file in nodetiles directory: E0_N30.ntl

All other directories ftiles, nodes55, segments, unodes55, waytiles, waytiles55 are empty


abrensch commented 5 years ago

sorry I recently re-worked the preprocessor for low latency.

I thought I did everything for keeping existing scripts to worked, but as I did not test that, you cannot assume that it works.

So you habe to options:

The re-work of the preprocessor still needs to be finished, I want to eliminate most of the command line parameters and replace it by hardcoded file/dir names, as there's no use in changing them anyhow. And I want to drop compatibility with the old script - so I leave this issue her open

YaroShkvorets commented 5 years ago

Production script works. Thanks.

stesie commented 4 years ago

The inconsistency in the "old way" is file extensions. OsmCutter (now) produces .ntl files, however NodeFilter, NodeCutter & WayCutter still expect .tls and .tlf files. Hence the NodeFilter call above just ready the ways.dat file, then however not a single node tile file and hence simply emits no output to be processed in subsequent steps.

Changing both .tls and .tlf to just .ntl makes the "old way" work as well

mjaschen commented 4 years ago

related PRs:

stesie commented 4 years ago

oh, I haven't seen the PR so far, just debugged my way through the "old way" and then found this issue here :-)

... and to be honest I haven't found the "new way" before coming here, since both mapcreation.md and process_pbf_planet.sh link to it.

... anyways, in order to just "play around" the "old way" is a bit easier to get into IMHO. Actually I'm currently just playing around with adding "pseudo tags" to ways based on heatmap data I've been collecting, so I can have profiles that slightly prefer ways I've never ridden before.

And with the step-by-step approach I can just add one more level of batch processing :)

xieyongchao2 commented 2 years ago

process_pbf_planet_production.sh The script does not execute correctly. Do you need to make some modifications? ./scan_world.sh and ./traffic_simulation.sh not existis