IP Shield is a Django app that analyzes HTTP requests and returns lock pages to IP addresses that perform suspicious actions. IP Shield is a per-IP-address rate limiter that enforces the limit with a lock out period. IP Shield also allows you to write your own analysis functions, so anything in the HttpRequest object (URL variables, POST data, HTTP headers, etc.) could trigger page locking. The functionality is influenced by the program Fail2Ban.
It is probably easiest to just drop the source folder into your Django project as you would any other Django app. For completeness, the package installation instructions are written below.
build the package:
.. code-block:: sh
python3 /path/setup.py sdist
install the package:
.. code-block:: sh
pip3 install --user /path/django-ip-shield-0.1.6.tar.gz
unistall the package:
.. code-block:: sh
pip3 uninstall django-ip-shield
Add "ipshield" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting:
.. code-block:: python
Apply migrations for IP Shield by running:
.. code-block:: sh
python3 manage.py migrate
In a view file, import the limit_ips decorator as shown below.
.. code-block:: python
from ipshield.views import limit_ips
Add the following variables to the file.
.. code-block:: python
eventName = "example name" # a name for the event which is being monitored
blockTime = 2 # minutes that an IP will be blocked
findTime = 1 # number of minutes used to calculate the rate
maxAllowed = 5 # number of events per findTime that will trigger blocking
As shown below, add the decorator above the view function that you wish to protect.
.. code-block:: python
@limit_ips(eventName, blockTime, findTime, maxAllowed)
def view(request):
# function body
Reload the page six times in one minute. The page should now be locked for five minutes, and you should see a page reading "Sorry! This page has been locked." The page will automatically unlock after two minutes.
You may analyze URL variables, POST data, IP address, etc. To do this, you must write a custom analysis function which will determine exactly what IP Sheild will consider to be suspicious. This function will be passed to the decorator. It should accept an HttpRequest object (which is typically named "request" in Django's documentation) as an input, and it should return a boolean value. An example is shown below.
.. code-block:: python
myEvent = lambda request: request.GET.get('event') == '1'
@limit_ips(eventName, blockTime, findTime, maxAllowed, isEvent = myEvent)
The above example would block all requests which had the URL GET variable named 'event' that held a value of '1'. For example, the url below would be counted as an event.
.. code-block:: sh
In contrast, the following would NOT be counted as an event.
.. code-block:: sh
As another example, say that we want to monitor POST requests, but not GET requests. This could be implemented with the analysis function below.
.. code-block:: python
myEvent = lambda request: request.method == 'POST'
You may also use custom view function. This is useful if you want to return some of the request data to the client, or if you simply wish to use a particular HTML template when a particular event occurs. To do this, you need to write a view function and pass it to the decorator. An example is shown below.
.. code-block:: python
def view_blocked():
msg = "We're Sorry! You did something that makes us uncomfortable."
html = "".join(("<html><body><h1><center>", msg, "</center></h1></body></html>"))
return HttpResponse(html, status=429)
@limit_ips(eventName, blockTime, findTime, maxAllowed, locked_view = view_blocked())
The function LimitIps_as_view can be used in place of TemplateView.as_view. Using "LimitIps_as_view" works the same way as the decorator "limit_ips". Usage of the function is illustrated below.
.. code-block:: python
from ipshield.views import LimitIps_as_view
urlpatterns = [
re_path(r'^hello-template/$', LimitIps_as_view(template_name='hello-friendly-bots.html')),
There are several management commands. It allows you to list logged events and blocked IPs, remove aspecific IPs and events, manually add an IP to the block list, and flush all logged events and blocked IPs the the database. Typing the following will print help documentation.
.. code-block:: sh
django-admin ipshield --help
IP Shield makes the below function call.
.. code-block:: python
Between Django and any upstream servers, ensure that the REMOTE_ADDR header is properly set. Often, the HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR header is used in place of REMOTE_ADDR.